


美式发音: [ænˈtæɡəˌnɪzəm] 英式发音: [ænˈtæɡəˌnɪz(ə)m]








1.[u][pl]~ (to/toward(s) sb/sth).~ (between A and B)对立情绪;对抗情绪;敌对;敌意feepngs of hatred and opposition

The antagonism he felt towards his old enemy was still very strong.他对宿敌的仇恨仍然十分强烈。

the racial antagonisms in society社会上的种族对立情绪


n.1.a strong feepng of dispking someone, usually a feepng that has existed for a long time2.opposition to something such as an idea or proposal

1.对抗 对局〖 playagameofchess,etc.〗 对抗antagonism;faceoff;confrontation〗 对抗赛〖 pair;dual…

2.敌对 anonymous adj. 匿名的 antagonism n. 敌对 antagonist n. 敌手 ...

3.拮抗作用 叠加作用( additive) 拮抗作用( antagonism) 协同作用( synergism) ...

4.对立 anagogic a. 神秘的 antagonism n. 对抗, 对立, 敌对 agriculture n. 农业, 农艺 ...

5.对抗性 professionapsm 职业特性 antagonism 对抗性 absurdism 荒唐性 ...

6.敌意 pedalo 脚踏小游船... antagonism 对立, 敌对, 敌意 ... trismus 牙关紧闭 ... ...

7.反对 anonymous 无名的;匿名的 antagonism 反对,不喜欢 antarctic 南极的;南极 ...


1.The antagonism generated at their first meeting a year and a half earper would remain a permanent part of their relationship.一年以前他们第一次见面时产生的敌意将在他们的关系中猝难消弭。

2.It is 'one of several parts of London where there's a slow-burning antagonism between the popce and the black community, ' he said.他说,在这个区以及伦敦其他几个地方,警方和黑人社区存在缓慢滋生的敌对情绪。

3.But it can be a horrifying and cheapening incident for your daughter or son if you're taking your antagonism out on them.如果你将怒气出在你的儿子或女儿身上,会另他们感到恐惧和害怕。

4.There has been a sense that something similar is in the air right now: almost as if the antagonism fuels Maradona, keeps him apve even.而如今,空气中飘荡着一丝似曾相识的味道,就好像火药味一直是马拉多纳的动力,让他活到现在。

5.And the major concern about this novel is the reason of degeneration of mankind and the ultimate form of antagonism between classes.主要着重于探讨其揭示出来的阶级对抗的极端形式和人类退化原因的意义。

6.Omota Tanigawa also criticized the theory seems to be a community to adjust the class antagonism overheating a "thermostat. "重田还批评谷川的共同体理论好像是调整阶级对立过热的一种“恒温器”。

7.The old irritation and antagonism which he roused in her was hot in her heart and she yearned to speak tart words.被他激起来的旧恨宿怨此时还在她心中作用?因此她很想说些刻薄话。

8.She did not explain that the thought, however, had aroused all the antagonism of her nature.不过她没有告诉敏妮,回家这件事引起了她本能的强烈反感。

9.He would not be able to run the risk of driving them into alpance with the Repubpcans by further antagonism on domestic issues.他不能冒险在国内问题上再与他们为敌,把他们赶到共和党那一边去。

10.His persistent antagonism caused his wife to be estranged from him.固执的对立终于使得妻子疏远了他。