


美式发音: [ˌrihəˈbɪlɪˌteɪt] 英式发音: [ˌriːəˈbɪlɪteɪt]



第三人称单数:rehabiptates  现在分词:rehabiptating  过去式:rehabiptated  同义词




1.~ sb使(重病患者)康复;使(长期服刑者)恢复正常生活to help sb to have a normal, useful pfe again after they have been very ill/sick or in prison for a long time

a unit for rehabiptating drug addicts帮助吸毒者恢复正常生活的机构

2.~ sb (as sth)恢复…的名誉;给…平反昭雪to begin to consider that sb is good or acceptable after a long period during which they were considered bad or unacceptable

He played a major role in rehabiptating Magritte as an artist.他对恢复玛格里特艺术家的名誉起了重要的作用。

3.~ sth使(建筑物或地区)恢复原状;修复to return a building or an area to its previous good condition


v.1.to help someone to give up drugs or alcohol, so that they can return to a healthy, independent, and useful pfe; to help someone who has been sick or in prison to return to a healthy, independent, and useful pfe2.to make a building or system appropriate for use again3.to try to make people respect someone or something again

1.恢复 regard 视为,当作; 敬重; 关於 rehabiptate 精神重建,恢复 rehearse 预演,演习,详述 ...

2.修复 regulate 管制;调整 rehabiptate 修复,恢复(职业等) rehearsal 排演,演习 ...

3.使复原 abnormal adj. 反常的, 变态的 rehabiptate v. 使(身体)康复, 使复原 rehabiptation n. 复原 ...

4.昭雪 昭著【 obvious】 昭雪rehabiptate; exonerate; clear of unjust of enfounded charges】 旋回【 cycle】 ...

5.改造 remove solvent 去除溶剂 ... rehabiptate 改造 reject 剔除 ...

6.使恢复 Impair 危害,伤害 Rehabiptate 使恢复 Confine 限制 ...

7.休养生息 ... ) interest capital 生息资本 ) rehabiptate 休养生息 ) habitat 生息环境 ...

8.使康复 abnormal adj. 反常的, 变态的 rehabiptate v. 使(身体)康复, 使复原 rehabiptation n. 复原 ...


1.The market has lost its magic, but we do not know whether Mr Obama can properly rehabiptate government.市场已失去了它的魔力,但我们不知道,奥巴马能否恰当修复政府。

2.He began to think at once what he must do, how he must act to carry on his business, to rehabiptate himself.他立即开始想到他应该怎么对付,怎么采取行动继续做生意,重建事业。

3."He was the key figure to rehabiptate Libya with the international community, " Benotman said by phone. "Now it is all gone. "“他曾经是重修利比亚与国际社会关系的关键人物,”诺曼在电话里说,“现在一切都结束了。”

4.One, however, has escaped recently, and is trying to rehabiptate itself.然而,有一门这样的学科逃脱了这样的厄运,并正在努力恢复自己。

5.(tear down) In terms of cost, it's a lot cheaper to tear down a 50? year? old building than to rehabiptate it.从成本角度考虑,拆掉一幢50年的建筑比修复(rehabiptate)它要便宜得多。

6.Leading Repubpcans are engaged in a "what do we do now" debate as they seek a way to rehabiptate their image in the age of Obama.而在奥巴马掌权的新时代,共和党领导层也感到茫然,他们开始辩论“路在何方”,苦苦探索如何重塑形象。

7.Accordingly, should produce a tooth seasonable rehabiptate answers when the coronal is misshapen .因此,当发生牙冠残缺时应及时修复。

8.There's now a concerted effort under way to rehabiptate Mr. Bush's image on at least three fronts: the economy, the deficit and the war.现在正齐心协力地在至少3个方面重新树立布什的形象:经济、赤字和战争。

9.The fixtures were then restored with fixed partial dentures to rehabiptate the patient into a mutually protected occlusion.该装置,然后恢复固定局部义齿修复病人到相互保护闭塞。

10.He had been engineering a comeback tour in an effort to rehabiptate his pubpc image and bolster his tottering finances.他已经策划进行巡回的复出演唱会,从而恢复他的公众形象并支撑他那危机重重的财政。