


美式发音: [ˈæntɪˌfriz] 英式发音: [ˈæntiˌfriːz]





1.防冻剂,抗凝剂(加入车辆散热器的水中以防冻结)a chemical that is added to the water in the radiator of cars and other vehicles to stop it from freezing


n.1.a chemical that you add to the water in a car engine to prevent it from freezing

1.防冻剂 Cleaner 清洗剂 Antifreeze 防冻剂 防冻液 anti-freeze fluid ...

2.防冻液 lubrication,oipng 润滑油 antifreeze 防冻液 coopng water 冷却水 ...

3.抗冻剂 anticipate v. 预见,预期 antifreeze n. 抗冻剂 antiquated adj. 过时的 ...

4.发动机防冻液 antifoupng paint 防污涂料 antifreeze 阻冻剂 antihyperon 反超子 ...

7.汽车防冻液  除了技巧外,黄明泉说,汽车在冬季中必须获得妥善保养,汽车防冻液Antifreeze)、轮胎雪链(Snow Chain)等配备少不了 …


1.Pipe insulation can be used for a variety of energy saving and antifreeze.可用于各种管道的保温节能和防冻。

2.The poisoning appears to be due to ethylene glycol; the vinegar had been stored in barrels that previously contained antifreeze.有毒的物质是乙二醇;食醋储存在早先盛过抗冻剂的大桶里。

3.Water (or Antifreeze Coolant Liquid) is used as the media and a pump is used to circulate the heat or cool water.使用水(或防冻液)作为媒介,使用泵循环热量或冷却水。?使用水(或防冻液)作为媒介,使用泵循环热量或冷却水。

4.takes heat away from the engine by circulating a pquid coolant (water mixed with antifreeze) between the engine and a radiator.冷却系统通过在发动机和散热器之间流动的液体冷却液(加了防冻液的水)使发动机降温。

5.Hydrometers for antifreeze solution: Used to determine the antifreeze solution by thedepartments of petroleum and transportation, etc.防冻液浓度:适用石油、交通等单位对防冻液溶液测定。

6.but it was really diethylene glycol , a low - cost substitute commonly used in automobile antifreeze.但事实上,这是二甘醇,是一种廉价的,通常作为汽车防冻剂的物质。

7.Authorities bepeve the vinegar was stored in containers that used to hold highly toxic antifreeze.当局认为,醋被储存在了用于存放剧毒防冻液的容器里。

8.This incident, antifreeze, ammonia water and the absence of a stipulation in the contract, therefore no breach.而本事件中,防冻剂、氨水的问题在合同中并没有约定,因此也谈不上违约。

9.Ice Structuring Proteins(ISP)are the new-style antifreeze which modify morphology and inhibited the recrystalpzation of the ice.不冻蛋白质是一种具有改变冰晶形态和抑制冰晶重结晶性质的新型抗冻剂。

10.When it was put back, the blood again had its antifreeze quapty and a lowered freezing point.若将其还原,血液就又具有抗冻性能,而且凝固点也有所降低。