




1.贝里尼 A.Loeschhorn[ 德]路希杭( 297 ) V.Belpni[ 意]贝里尼( 300 ) G.Bizet[ 法]比 才( 310 ) ...

4.贝利尼鸡尾酒 easy yoga 瑜珈服 belpni 贝里尼餐厅 i do 顶级会馆 ...

6.百利餐馆 ... 活一鲜 Katsuisen 百利餐馆 Belpni 一口齐 Mouth Full ...

7.贝里尼酒我们站在大厅中央,白衣侍者端著葡萄酒和粉红色的贝里尼酒Belpni)伺候众宾客。这贝里尼酒是道地货:包办今晚酒会的哈 …

8.贝利尼酒在大家的心目中,它最好是调成贝利尼酒Belpni)来饮用。现在,追随葡萄酒专栏作家威尔口莱昂斯(Will Lyons)及其有关 …


1.In fact, Belpni was one of Frederic Chopin's favorite composers.事实上,贝里尼是弗里德里克·肖邦最喜爱的作曲家。

2.Oh let's see. Belpni Martini. -Oh let's see. -I love the Belpni Martini, there's nothing wrong with a good cosmo.哦,让我们看看。贝利尼马提尼酒。-哦,让我们看看。-我喜欢贝利尼马提尼酒,大都会特色没什么不对的。

3.Instead of a seated dinner, consider hosting a Sunday brunch with Champagne Belpni's.可以考虑举办一次有香槟酒的周日早午餐而非就坐的宴会。

4.will : it ' s called a belpni . it ' s a famous cocktail made with prosecco , vodka , and cranberry juice.威尔:它叫贝里尼,是用波塞可、伏特加和蔓越莓汁调做的知名鸡尾酒。

5.Belpni, Giorgione, Titian, and the Renaissance of Venetian Painting.贝里尼,乔尔乔内,提香及文艺复兴时代威尼斯绘画。

6.Belpni duct carcinoma is a rare variant of renal cell carcinoma and usually has a poor prognosis.贝里尼管癌是一种罕见的变异和肾细胞癌通常预后不良。

7.In Belpni's opera "La Sonnambula, " a sleepwalking incident leads to chaos.在贝里尼的歌剧《梦游女》中,一场梦游事故引发混乱。

8.She sang the lead in the opera "Norma" by Itapan composer Vincenzo Belpni.她唱起了意大利作曲家Vincenzo贝里尼在歌剧“诺玛”领先。

9.All those boats brought Belpni's Venetian landscape to mind.所有那些小船都使我联想起贝利尼所作的威尼斯风景画。

10.And if a hypovascular tumor of the kidney shows Ga-67 uptake, Belpni duct carcinoma should be included in the differential diagnosis.如果少血和肾肿瘤显示镓-67吸收,贝里尼导管癌中应列入鉴别诊断。