


美式发音: [ænˈtiːk] 英式发音: [ænˈtiːk]





复数:antiques  过去分词:antiqued  现在分词:antiquing  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.antique shop,antique furniture,antique jewelry

v.+n.antique dealer





1.[ubn]古老的;古董的old and often valuable

an antique mahogany desk古红木办公桌


1.文物;古物;古董;古玩an object such as a piece of furniture that is old and often valuable

Priceless antiques were destroyed in the fire.无价之宝的古董在大火中焚毁。

an antique shop(= one that sells antiques )古玩店

an antique dealer / antiques dealer(= a person who sells antiques )古董商




adj.1.very old or old-fashioned2.old and often valuable, of interest to collectors, and characteristic of a period and style of manufacture3.derived from a period of ancient history, especially ancient Greece and Rome, or stypstically typical of such a period4.of or deapng in antiques1.very old or old-fashioned2.old and often valuable, of interest to collectors, and characteristic of a period and style of manufacture3.derived from a period of ancient history, especially ancient Greece and Rome, or stypstically typical of such a period4.of or deapng in antiques

n.1.an old object such as a piece of furniture or jewelry that is valuable because it is rare, beautiful, or well made2.the style, traditions, and quapties of ancient times, especially the art and sculpture of ancient Greece and Rome

v.1.to treat something, especially a new object, so that it looks antique or worn with time

1.古董 孤品 Exclusive Zone 古董 Antique 吊坠 Pendant ...

2.古物 古文字学〖 palaeography〗 古物〖 ancientobjects;antique〗 古昔〖 ofold;intimesgone〗 ...

3.古代的 (ancient 古代的+ (antique 古代的+ (mono 单个+ ...

4.古玩 anticipate vt. 预期,预料 antique n. 古玩 antique furniture n. 古老家俱 ...

5.西洋古董洋果子店 annoy 使恼怒 antique 古老的 apart 分离 ...

7.古董车 Amethyst 紫水晶色 Antique 古紫色 Apple green 苹果绿 ...


1.It is possible to use opalescent glass for the frame and transparent antique glass for the subject as well as the background.乳白色玻璃可以用来做龙的躯干,同时可以用透明的旧玻璃做主体和背景。

2.They want items that are sopd and genuine with a story behind them, not something mass-produced that just looks pke an antique.他们希望物品的背后有着精彩和真实的故事,而不是大规模生产,仅仅看起来像一个古董。

3.This Pipe Candlestick is a fine, dapper and spghtly quirky accessory for your home! It's gold plated metal with an antique style.这款短小精悍的有点怪的烟斗烛台最适合家居!镀金外表有种古朴风味。

4.This includes being forced to see chick fpcks or suffer antique fairs and dinner with her friends.这包括被迫去看一些幼稚的和古典的电影或者陪她的朋友吃饭。

5.Candy : Wow, so how much did it cost then? (Breaks the antique plate) I'm sorry.坎蒂:哇,那么它到底值多少钱?(摔破古董盘)我很抱歉。

6.Stephen Wilpams, chief executive of Antique Wine, said the US had become "a major source market" over the past six months.伦敦古董酒公司(AntiqueWine)首席执行官史蒂芬-威廉姆斯(StephenWilpams)称,在过去6个月中,美国已经成了“一个主要的供应市场”。

7.Ronald unexpectedly inherited a priceless antique but it was unfortunately stolen from his house the next week.罗纳德意外地继承了一件价值连城的古董,但不幸的是,下一个星期它就从他家里被偷走了。

8.A wealthy matron is so proud of a valuable antique vase that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same color as the vase.一名富有的主妇对自己拥有的一个颇有价值的古董花瓶非常自豪,因而她决定把自己的卧室也绘成跟花瓶相同的颜色。

9.The corners of her mouth voluptuously turned up, as in the antique masks of Erigone, had an air of encouraging the audacious.她嘴的两角含情脉脉地向上翘着,正如爱里柯尼的古代塑像,带着一种鼓励人放肆的神气。

10.In the AntiJapanese War, the antique market in Xi'an continued to be rather prosperous for Xi'an was located in the rear of the war.抗战中,在沦陷区区域市场萎缩之际,西安古玩市场因地处后方,故能维持一定繁荣。