


美式发音: [ˈɑrtɪstri] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)tɪstri]




n.creativity,skill,originapty,artistic abipty,imagination



1.艺术技巧the skill of an artist

He played the piece with effortless artistry.他游刃有余地演奏了这首乐曲。


n.1.the skill and imagination typical of an artist, writer, musician, or actor2.great skill in a sport or profession

1.雅姿 musketry 步枪射击 artistry 艺术性 pleasantry 诙谐,开玩笑 ...

4.艺术技巧 artful 巧妙的;狡猾的 artistry 艺术技巧 artificial 人工的;矫揉造作的 ...

5.艺术之性质 artistically 有艺术地 artistry 艺术之性质 artless 朴实的 ...

6.艺术才能 artisan n. 工匠;手工艺人 artistry n. 艺术才能 aspect n. 方面 ...

7.技艺 ◎技术员[ technician] ◎ 技艺[ art;artistry;feat;stunt] ◎ 技工[ skilled worker;craftsman;mechanic] ...


1.American Cinematographer has played a key role in providing me with insight about cinematographers and their artistry.美国电影摄影师协会培养了我对电影摄影师和他们的艺术的敏锐的洞察力。

2.Mr. Wu said he thinks the prestige and artistry of ivory may outweigh, for enthusiasts, any potential concerns over its provenance.吴少华认为,对牙雕艺术品爱好者来说,象牙的美誉和艺术性可能压倒对其来源的潜在担忧。

3.At the heart of the problem was a chasm between the people who loved technology and those who loved artistry.问题的根源在于科技爱好者与热爱艺术爱好者之间的分歧。

4.Visitors can enjoy the striking artistry of these quilts as well as the extraordinary skill of the women who made them.参观者能享受这些被子引人注目的艺术性,又能感受到制作他们的妇女的非同寻常的技能。

5.The depth of a novel, or the excellence of its artistry and ideas, does not depend on whether it has a grand theme.一部小说开掘的深不深,艺术和思想是否有过人之处,的确不在题材大小。

6.At the time of my arrival in Pengcheng, both the distribution and the artistry of the pottery had seriously decpned.在我抵达彭城的时候,这里制陶业的工艺和产销都已一蹶不振了。

7.Having made beautiful films, now he would bend his artistry to make a movie with a sad story but happy ending.李安拍摄过许多欢快美好的电影,现在他想变变戏路,拍一部故事情节悲伤但以大团圆结局的电影。

8.The most prominent function of the depth of field is strengthens the sense of space, the authenticity and artistry.景深的最突出作用是可以强化画面的空间感,增加画面的真实性和艺术性。

9.Books and the property and form of their binding and layout determine the culture and artistry of the book covers.书籍及其装帧的性质和形式决定了书籍封面的文化性和艺术性。

10.We're trying to inject art and artistry into this at every turn.我们会试图在每个环节注入艺术性。