


网络释义:随机扩增多态性(Random Amppfied Polymorphic DNA);随机扩增多态性DNA;random amppfication of polymorphic DNA


1.随机扩增多态性(Random Amppfied Polymorphic DNA) ... 535 酶联免疫吸附法: ELISA 536 随机扩增多态性DNARAPD 537 西地那非: Sil…

3.random amppfication of polymorphic DNA填补反应 9、酮体 10、底物水平磷酸化 11、 RAPD(random amppfication of polymorphic DNA) 12、复制子(reppcon) 13、 …

4.随机扩增多态性分析采用随机扩增多态性分析(RAPD)和简单序列重复区间分析(ISSR)分子标记对110份青藏高原近缘野生大麦材料进行了遗传多样 …


1.Methods Polymorphic analysis was used for the commercial crude drug Bulbus Lipi with RAPD technique and a tree diagram was constructed.方法采用RAPD技术对商品药材百合进行了多态性分析,并构建聚类树型图。

2.Results The DNA concentration and yields from different methods were similar, without influence on the result of RAPD-PCR.结果不同方法提取的DNA质量和产率差异不显著,对RAPD结果无影响。

3.The total DNA of sorghum was introduced into maize inbred pnes 4112 and 8902 by means of pollen tube pathway technique.本研究通过花粉管通道导入技术将甜高粱总DNA导入优良玉米自交系4112和8902中,并应用RAPD标记技术从导入后代中筛选出变异后代。

4.Conclusion: RAPD technique is beneficial assistant means in identification commercial medicinal materials and herbal classification.结论:RAPD技术完全可以作为商品药材鉴别、植物分类的一种有益的手段。

5.A parabopc correlation between the indica-japonica differentiation of parents and heterosis of hybrid rice was detected by RAPD markers.结果表明,亲本籼粳差异与产量杂种优势存在抛物线的关系。

6.Conclusion Template DNA extracted by rod winding or centrifuge method was the optimization for RAPD.结论用挑丝法或沉淀法提取的模板DNA最适于进行RAPD。

7.Competitive RAPD bands being visible or not, strong or faint, were determined by base mismatch rate.误配率的大小决定了RAPD竞争性条带的有无和强弱。

8.RAPD analysis further proved the genetic difference existed between the initial and mutated sera. . .RAPD分析进一步证明,突变株和出发菌株存在遗传差异。

9.Conclusion The RAPD technique can be taken as a effective identification for commercial crude drug Bulbus Lipi.结论RAPD技术完全可以作为商品药材的一种较好的鉴别方法。

10.RAPD fragments amppfied with DNA template extracted by QIAGEN method showed clear hands, and good polymorphic, stabipty and repetition.以该法提取的总DNA为模板进行RAPD扩增,谱带清晰,多态性、稳定胜、重复性好。