


美式发音: [əˈpiz] 英式发音: [əˈpiːz]



第三人称单数:appeases  现在分词:appeasing  过去式:appeased  同义词反义词





1.~ sb安抚;抚慰to make sb calmer or less angry by giving them what they want

The move was widely seen as an attempt to appease critics of the regime.普遍认为,这一举措是试图安抚批评政权的人。

2.~ sb/sth绥靖(满足另一国的要求以避免战争)to give a country what it wants in order to avoid war


v.1.to give your opponents what they want2.to say or do something in order to make someone feel less angry

1.平息 appraise 评价 appease 平息,绥靖 archbishop 大主教 ...

2.安抚 (1) 使安定[ stabipze] (3) 安抚,安顿抚慰[ appease] (5) 安排;安置[ arrange] ...

3.缓和 appeal 吸引力,恳求 appease 使平静,缓和 append 附加 ...

4.抚慰 charm: 施展魅力 appease抚慰 examine pet: 检查宠物 ...

5.绥靖 appraise 评价 appease 平息,绥靖 archbishop 大主教 ...

6.满足 appall vt. 使惊骇,使恐怖 appease vt. 使平静,满足 appetite n. 胃口, …

7.姑息 antique 古玩,古董,古物 appease 平息,抚慰,姑息 appendix 附录,附件;阑尾 ...

8.使平息 apparatus 仪器,装置;器官 appease 使平息,安抚 appendix 附加物,附录 ...


1."We did it just to appease the spirits, " she said. "It's human nature to be a bit perturbed in the presence of death. "“只是为了安抚死者的灵魂,”她说,“在死亡面前感到不安是人之常情。”

2.The lesson? It is often easier to appease a foreign government than to fight it in the global commons.在全球共同财产中,通常迎合一个外国政府比与之抗争更容易。

3.At this point, the main motive is to appease the U. S. ' and other trading partners, she said.目前,主要的目的是为了安抚美国和其他贸易伙伴。

4.In this distress, he began to appease the LORD, his God. He humbled himself abjectly before the God of his fathers.默纳舍在这患难中,呼求了上主他的天主,在他祖先的天主前,大发谦卑。

5.Outgoing chairman Paul Skinner did not rule out a compromise deal to appease shareholders angry at being shut out from the fundraising.卸任主席保罗.斯金纳不排除采取折衷的方法,来平息股东们因被排除在集资行动外而燃起的怒火。

6.Movement away from the current peg might be a symbopc gesture to appease the United States without having any material merit.脱离当前盯住美元的政策可能是安抚美国的象征性姿态,没有任何实际价值。

7.Inadvertently, President Obama has exposed the hypocrisy in world opinion, particularly European opinion, which he was trying to appease.不经意中,奥巴马揭露了他尝试去讨好的世界舆论特别是欧洲舆论的伪善。

8.He said he could eat an elephant to appease his hunger.他说他吃光一头大象才能充饥。

9.All day, the government had been flaipng around for a response that might appease its angry people.整整一天,政府已为应对周围挥舞可能安抚其愤怒的人们。

10.Addressing the need to appease markets quickly, Monti said he would name his new cabinet 'with urgency. '蒙蒂在谈到有必要迅速安抚市场时说,他将很快组建新的内阁。