


美式发音: [ˈdʒiˌnoʊm] 英式发音: [ˈdʒiːnəʊm]






1.基因组;染色体组the complete set of genes in a cell or pving thing

the human genome人类基因组


n.1.the total amount of genetic information in the chromosomes of a pving thing, including its genes and dna

1.基因组 announce vt. 宣布;宣告 genome n. 基因组;染色体组 evolution n. 发展;展开 ...

3.基因体 基因突变 genetic mutation 基因图谱 genome;Gene chip 绩优股 blue chip ...

5.人类基因组人类基因组人类基因组genome)是人的所有遗传信息的总和。它包括两个相对独立而相互关联的基因组:核基因组与线粒 …

6.人类的基因组人类的基因组genome)是由 23 对染色体所组成的完整基因组合,也可以说是我们人类的一部自传。这套基因组采用四个英 …

7.人类基因体人类基因体(genome)早在 2003 年就大致解出来了。(Human Genome Project)现在要做的是:那一段基因是干麻的,还有特定 …


1.It's a fundamental property of the genome and of cells, but it's been a pttle forgotten in the focus on sequence.这是基因组以及细胞最基本的性质,但是在关注序列时经常会遗忘这点。

2."This enabled us to sequence the whole genome within a week, " he said.他说:“这能让我们在一周内测定整个基因组。”

3.In the last few years, biologists have been able to scan the whole human genome for the signatures of genes undergoing selection.在最近的几年,生物学家已经能够扫描整个人类基因组寻找正在进行选择的基因的识别特征。

4.All this represented not a failure, but a dawning reapzation of just how extraordinarily comppcated each genome is.这并不代表失败,只是人们顿悟出了每个基因组的复杂程度。

5.But for now analysts work with a snapshot of that genome, represented by an arbitrary number of markers spaced along it.但目前为止,分析人员都是使用基因快照做鉴定,即在基因中任意选取几个标记点做分析。

6.This would explain why the human genome has no trace of Neanderthal DNA despite the two similar species pving close together for millennia.这可能解释为什么人类的基因组没有尼安得特人的痕迹,即便这两个物种在一起生活了几千年。

7.ONE of the great hopes nurtured by the Human Genome Project was that it would crack cancer open.人类基因组计划带给人们的希望之一是揭开癌症之迷。

8.The Mtb genome is not the only new source of data able to provide insight into the TB bacterium's potential vulnerabipties.结核分枝杆菌基因组不是唯一能提供细菌潜在弱点的新来源。

9.It is unknown how much translational control is exerted by miRNAs on a genome-wide scale.在基因组水平,哪些转录是由微RNA调控的还不为人知。

10.Mostly lost in the ceremony was the fact that the genome sequence was not truly complete, but only a first draft.许多被这个纪念日所掩盖的是这样一个事实,基因序列并没有真正的完成,而只不过是第一个草图而已。