


美式发音: [ˈpelvɪs] 英式发音: ['pelvɪs]



复数:pelvises  复数:pelves  



1.骨盆the wide curved set of bones at the bottom of the body that the legs and spine are connected to


n.1.the large circular bones that support the lower part of your back and are connected to the bones of your legs

1.骨盆 上部躯体 upper torso 骨盆 pelvis 臀部 hip ...

2.肾盂 pelviroentgenography 盆腔(器官) pelvis ① 骨盆 ②肾盂 pelviscope ① 骨盆镜 ②骨盆外形 ...

3.盆骨 附体骨骼 appendicular skeleton 盆骨 pelvis 风湿 rheumatism ...

4.骨盘 骨膜 periosteum 骨盘 pelvis 骨盆 pelvis ...

5.盆腔 神门 shenmen 盆腔 pelvis 角窝上 supeior triangular fossa ...

6.骨盆腔 3.abdomen 腹部 4.pelvis 盆部 5.back 背部 ...

8.盘腔 ... 超声波乳房 Ultrasound Breast 盘腔 Pelvis 超声波盘腔(子宫/卵巢/膀胱) Ultrasound Pelvis ...


1.Mucin in the urine might be a sign of this disease, especially in patients who also have chronic irritation of the renal pelvis.尿液中发现黏液性物质,尤其在肾盂存在某些慢性刺激的病患,可能是一个有意义的徵兆。

2.The bladder is a small organ near the pelvis that holds urine until it is ready to be passed from the body.膀胱是一个靠近骨盆,保存尿液,直到它准备从机构通过小器官。

3.The female pelvis is shaped pke a wide, oval bowl with a large opening at the top and a spghtly smaller opening at the bottom.女性盆骨的形状像一个宽的卵形的碗,它的上部有一个大的开口,而下部有一个稍小的开口。

4.Pregnant bodies produce a hormone, relaxin, which softens tissues around the pelvis to prepare it for birth.怀孕的身体产生荷尔蒙、松弛素,松弛素使骨盆周围的组织变软,使骨盆为生产做好准备。

5.To bring your pelvis up with your ribs, exhale, push your hands down harder, and pull your thighs upward as if to pft them to your chest.为了让骨盆跟上胸腔提升的步伐,来呼气,双手用力向下按去,抬起大腿,让大腿靠近胸腔。

6.Mimi broke her pelvis, lay all night, all morning, finally somebody came in and found her, sent her to the hospital.咪咪的骨盆骨折了,她就那样躺了一整天,一整夜,终于有人进来发现了她,将她送进了医院。

7.It was a typically controversial statement by Venezuela's leader, who underwent surgery in June to remove a tumor from his pelvis.这是委内瑞拉总统查韦斯发表的很有代表性的争议言论,他今年6月接受治疗,切除了骨盆的肿瘤。

8.Tuck your front buttock bone forward toward the front wall to help turn your pelvis more into the plane of your legs.把你的前侧臀部向前面的墙卷起,以帮助骨盆更多地进入大腿的平面。

9.The angulation of the pelvis and femur corresponds to that of the shoulder and upper arm.骨盆与大腿骨的角度同肩胛骨与上臂骨的角度协调。

10.Exhale and rotate your torso to the right, squaring the front of your pelvis as much as possible with the front edge of your mat.呼气并把躯干转向右侧,让你的骨盆的前面尽可能地与垫子前侧边缘一致。