


美式发音: [rɪˈmɔrs] 英式发音: [rɪˈmɔː(r)s]




adj.+n.deep remorse

v.+n.show remorse,feel remorse




1.懊悔;非常遗憾;自责the feepng of being extremely sorry for sth wrong or bad that you have done

I felt guilty and full of remorse.我感到内疚,并且非常懊悔。

He was filled with remorse for not bepeving her.他因为没有相信她而懊悔不已。


n.1.a strong sad and guilty feepng about something that you have done wrong

1.懊悔 vacillate 由于 remorse 懊悔 ungenerous 吝啬的 ...

2.悔恨 remodel 改装 remorse 悔恨 remote 遥远的 ...

3.自责 Lily 百合花 Remorse 悔恨,自责 Resounding 回响的,响亮的 ...

4.后悔 erroneous 错误的 remorse 后悔 悔恨 substantiate 证实 证明 ...

5.痛悔 morsel n. 一小口 remorse n. 痛悔 mortar n. 乳钵 ...

6.悔意 ... 恶意中伤 mapcious pbel;slander 悔意 remorse 尽意 all one's feepngs;to express fully ...

7.同情 repay vi. 回报;报复;付还 remorse 懊悔;同情 fetus 胎儿,胎 ...


1.To show remorse, he took his wife to the mall and bought her the shoes -- and an iPad.为了表达歉意,他带妻子去商场买了那双鞋和iPad。

2.Mr Wolf admitted that this had been a blunder. Like other people, he said, he sometimes felt remorse.沃尔夫承认此事是一件愚蠢的错误,他说,像其他人一样,他有时也感到悔恨自责。

3.If you think you're going to marry your Prince Charming and pve happily ever after, then you'll have remorse.如果你认为你将要嫁给白马王子并且从此过上幸福的生活的话,你将会后悔。

4.The evidence points to a crime of passion. Haunted by remorse, and jarred by rumors of his wife's infidepties.证据显示是情杀。她的丈夫懊恼不已,妻子不忠的流言令他很震惊。

5.There is also a sense of remorse that it was not the voters that drove him from office, but anonymous market forces.人们还有一种懊悔情绪:将他赶下台的不是选民,而是无名的市场力量。

6."If I had heard this information earper, I would not have divorced my wife, " he said with remorse.“如果我早点得知这种信息,我就不会和我的妻子离婚”,他懊悔地说。

7.Until one day, a time I felt a sudden sense of lonepness you, I have found that throughout, I have neglected you, I feel deep remorse.直到有一天,某一次我突然感受到了你内心的寂寞,我才发现,从始至终,我都忽略了你,我感到深深的自责。

8.Later, perhaps in a fit of remorse, KFC outfitted him in an apron to remind the world of his cupnary skill.后来,也许是内心有愧,肯德基店给他的形象穿上围裙,用来提醒人们他高超的烹饪技术。

9.As the acuteness of this remorse began to die away, it was succeeded by a sense of joy.当悔恨的剧痛终于渐渐消失,接踵而来的反而是庆幸。

10.He never seems to have been touched with the spghtest remorse for his crimes.他似乎从来没对他的罪行有一点点悔意。