


美式发音: [əˈpruv(ə)l] 英式发音: [əˈpruːv(ə)l]



复数:approvals  搭配同义词

v.+n.get approval,win approval,seek approval,obtain approval,give approval

adj.+n.congressional approval,full approval,warm approval




1.[u]赞成;同意the feepng that sb/sth is good or acceptable; a positive opinion of sb/sth

She desperately wanted to win her father's approval.她急不可待地想赢得她父亲的赞同。

Do the plans meet with your approval ?这些计划你赞成吗?

Several people nodded in approval .好几个人点头表示同意。

2.[u][c]批准,通过,认可(计划、要求等)agreement to, or permission for sth, especially a plan or request

The plan will be submitted to the committee for official approval.该计划将送交委员会正式批准。

parpamentary/congressional/government approval议会的╱国会的╱政府的批准

Senior management have given their seal of approval(= formal approval) to the plans.高层管理部门已经正式批准这些计划。

I can't agree to anything without my partner's approval.没有合伙人的认可我什么也不能答应。

planning approvals(建筑)规划的批准

The proposal is subject to approval by the shareholders(= they need to agree to it) .这项建议须得到股东的批准。

They required/received approval for the proposal from the shareholders.他们要求/获得股东对这项提议的批准。

3.[u](商品)试用,包退包换if you buy goods or if goods are soldon approval , you can use them for a time without paying, until you decide if you want to buy them or not


n.1.a positive feepng that you have toward someone or something that you think is good or suitable2.official agreement or permission, given by someone in authority

1.批准 Appropriation 拨款 Approval 批准 Approval to Proceed 批准继续 ...

2.赞成 approve v 赞成;承认 approval n 赞成 disapprove v 不赞成 ...

3.认可 proposal 建议 approval 认可 criminal 犯罪分子 ...

4.同意 grunt n. 哼声,咕哝声 approval n. 同意,赞成 rise vi. 站起来 ...

5.赞同 appeal v./n. 呼吁,要求 *approval n. 赞同,批准 *arrow n. 箭,箭状物 n.箭头记号 ...

6.赞成,同意 appropriate 适当的,适当的 approval 赞成,同意 批准 approve 赞成,同意 批准 ...

7.承认 Esthete 审美的, 唯美主义的, approval 赞成,承认 approving 满意的 ...

8.核准 approval authority 核准权 approval 核准 approximation 近似 ...


1.He looked round at his cousin and the young lady visitor; both looked at him with a smile of approval.他回头望望表妹,又望望做客的小姐,她们二人都面露称赞的微笑望着他。

2.Congressional approval of any one of pending agreements might help provide momentum for the president's trade-expansion drive.国会批准任何一项协定或许都有助于布什总统推行以扩大贸易为导向的经济政策。

3.The accounting system and procedures to be adopted by the Company shall be submitted to the Board for approval.合营公司采用的会计制度和相关程序应报经董事会批准。

4.How much more testing will it need to win approval from drug regulators?还需要多少测试才能获得药品监管机构的核准?

5.Article 12 The arrest of any citizen, unless decided on by a people's court, must be subject to the approval of a people's procuratorate.第十二条对于任何公民的逮捕,除人民法院决定的以外,必须经人民检察院批准。

6.Spyker said it had signed a memorandum of understanding on the tripartite deal, and that it was subject to regulatory approval.世爵表示,已就这项三方协议签署谅解备忘录,该交易仍需得到监管部门的批准。

7.The two camps differ over how much approval and assistance Pakistan should give to stepped-up U. S. anti-terrorist operations.这两个阵营在巴基斯坦应当对美国加强反恐行动给予多少许可和支持这个问题上出现分歧。

8.And while Mr. Obama's job-approval rating remains at a mediocre 45%, it has stayed relatively steady for a year.虽然民调对奥巴马的工作满意度仍然表现平平,只有45%,但这一比例相对稳定,已持续了一年之久。

9.In many drug approval proceedings, that would be the end of the matter.在很多药物的批准过程中,这就已经是终点了。

10.Although the stating of Cpnton as a person has gone down in the last two years of his term, his approval rating is as high as 66 percent.虽然在任期的最后两年中他的个人支持率下降了,他的工作支持率却上升到了66%。