


美式发音: [ˈboʊnər] 英式发音: [ˈbəʊnə(r)]






1.(阴茎的)勃起an erection of the penis

2.令人尴尬的错误an embarrassing mistake


n.1.a mans penis when it is hard2.a stupid mistake To pull a boner means to make a mistake

1.大错 boneless 无骨的 boner 大错 bones 骨骼 ...

2.波纳 bonds 镣铐,监禁 boner 可笑的错误 bones 骨骼,屍体 ...

5.博纳 Bonar 博纳 Boner 博纳 Bonet 博尼特 ...

6.剔骨者 ... crummy grade :very bad grade 糟糕的成绩s\ boner 大错误,愚蠢的错误 turn my ankle 扭着脚了 ...

8.愚蠢造成的大错 underprivileged 穷困的; 下层社会的 boner 愚蠢造成的大错 noisily 吵闹地 ...


1.The idea behind this interesting ad was, that The Orange Apple retouching is exciting to the eye and gives a boner.这侧有趣的广告背后的含义是,theOrangeApple太令人兴奋了,以至于从眼部长出了个阳具。

2.He thought that if Boner joined the Marine, he was just throwing all his pfe away.他想,如果邦德加入了海军陆战队,就等于他毁了自己的一生。

3.So they drove Boner out of the door.因此,他们把邦德赶出了家门。

4.When Boner came into Mike's house and wanted to take his sleeping bag out.当邦德走进迈克家时,他看到了那位漂亮的女孩,安妮。

5.Now if you'll excuse me, I have to call Boner and break my best friends heart.我要失陪了,去给波拿打个电话,他会伤心的。

6.Boner: Yeah, he's cool. Last time I was over there, he was waxing the floor, singing "Puff the magic dragon" !对,是很冷静,上次我去他家,他爸爸在打腊,嘴里唱着赶走龙王,哈哈。

7.Mike ped to his father that he was in Boner's house.迈克对他爸爸撒谎说他在邦德的房子里。

8.Today, I got a boner at the dentist. FML.今天,我在牙医那里犯了个大错。

9.And Boner told Mike that he had been thining about that for a long time.而且邦德告诉迈克,他很久以前就有了这种想法了。

10."Having a boner is a great privilege, " says Dad.“有那玩意儿是种莫大的荣幸,”我爸说。