


美式发音: [ˈerəb] 英式发音: [ˈærəb]








n.1.someone from the middle East or North Africa who speaks Arabic2.[Animal]an Arabian horse, a type of horse that is very fast and graceful

adj.1.relating to the Middle East or North Africa, or to the people, language, or culture of those regions

1.阿拉伯人 trousers 裤子,长裤,西装长裤 Arabs 阿拉伯的 n.阿拉伯人 The computer was a great invention.( 计算机是个了不起的发 …

3.伊拉克 利比亚[ Africans] 伊拉克[ Arabs] 尤里[ YuriCountry] ...

4.利比亚的阿拉伯人 Free Aisa: 自由亚细亚(紫色) Arabs阿拉伯联盟(黄色) Omnicorp: 两仪控股(深绿色) ...


1.The hard question is how much ordinary Arabs want all this.关键是有多少普通的阿拉伯人想拥有这一切。

2.After all, we Arabs prefer that sort of ruler, as you suggested.还是就像您所暗示的,我们阿拉伯人就是喜欢这样的统治者。

3.one gathers that the imaginary reader is usually thought of as a man versed in the philosophy of the Arabs.有人推测这位假想的读者,是通常被认作精通阿拉伯哲学的那种人。

4.HALF a year since the Arabs began to shake off their oppressive slumber, the picture is patchy.半年来,自从阿拉伯人开始摆脱他们受压制的噩梦,情形有好有坏。

5.It is possible that pke the technique of algebra; the concept of zero also reached the west through the Arabs.很可能像代数的技巧一样,“零”的概念也是通过阿拉伯人传入西方。

6.He said the Arabs also had to consider that a future U. S. president might seek rapprochement with Iran.阿拉伯人不得不考虑到这一点,即未来的美国总统可能寻求与伊朗和解。

7.And as this special report has argued, it is far from clear what sort of future Arabs would opt for if they had a free choice.同时正如本期特别报道所指出的那样,阿拉伯人在拥有自由抉择的机会时究竟会选取怎样的未来也远未明晰。

8.However much they dispke Iran's mullahs, Gulf Arabs dispke more the idea of getting caught up in a war between Iran and America.无论他们多么不喜欢伊朗的这位神学老师,他们更不原意看到美伊战争。

9.In theory, these lands might have been traded back for the peace the Arabs had withheld since Israel's founding.理论上,这些领土曾有可能用于和阿拉伯国家换取和平,但这样的和平从以色列建国开始一直被阿拉伯国家所拒绝。

10.If anything, sad to say, the cause of democracy became tainted by association with a president most Arabs despised for invading Iraq.总之,可悲的是,由于与某位因入侵伊拉克而广受阿拉伯世界鄙夷的总统相联系,民主事业也变了味道。