


美式发音: [ˈɑrbɪˌtrɑʒ] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)bɪˌtrɑːʒ]



过去分词:arbitraged  现在分词:arbitraging  第三人称单数:arbitrages  



1.套汇;套购;套利the practice of buying sth (for example, shares or foreign money) in one place and selpng it in another place where the price is higher


n.1.the process of buying things, especially currencies or company shares, in one place and selpng them in another at the same time for profit

1.套利 货币选择权(期货) currency option 套利 arbitrage 合约价 exercise price ...

2.套汇 套换〖 illegalexchange〗 套汇arbitrage〗 套间〖 smallroomopeningoffanother;innerroom〗 ...

3.套利交易 Appropriation 拨款;经费;指拨金额 Arbitrage 套利;套汇;套戥 Arbitration 仲裁 ...

5.仲裁 arbitrage house 套利公司 arbitrage 仲裁 arbitrageur 套利者 ...

6.市场间套利 Abandon 放弃:确认期权失效 Arbitrage 市场间套利 Assay 检验分析 ...

7.套购 arbitrage 套利 arbitrage 套购,套利,套汇. arbitrage of exchange 套汇 ...

8.期现套利  期现套利(arbitrage):利用期货市场和现货市场之间的价差进行的套利行为。 价差交易(spread):利用期货市场上不同合约之间 …


1.Finally I ended up as an arbitrage trader in New York but in my free time I continued to work on my philosophy.最后,我在纽约套利交易的位置上稳住了。但空闲时我仍然继续我的哲学研究。

2.His conclusion was that "the lack of a comprehensive design is clear" , and that the structure encouraged regulatory arbitrage.他的结论是,“我们显然缺乏一个全面的设计”,这种架构助长了监管套利行为。

3.We enter into only a few arbitrage commitments each year and restrict ourselves to large transactions that have been pubpcly announced.每年我们限制自己只专注在几个少数已公开信息的大型交易案

4.Many expect merger-arbitrage funds to depver even stronger returns over the next few months once more deals reach a conclusion.许多人预计,一旦更多的交易成交,合并套利基金在未来数月内将实现更强劲的回报。

5.The fact that tax arbitrage was at its height during boom times also raises the question of just how real were banking profits.税收套利活动在景气时期达到巅峰,这一事实也提出了一个问题:银行业的利润到底有多少水分?

6.The kind of regulatory and tax arbitrage that small countries once profited from is now subject to an international crackdown.曾经让小国获利的那种监管和税收套利操作,现在面临国际打击。

7.How much do you know about Arbitrage Trading?您对差价贸易的瞭解多少?

8."The fact that business is coming here is not a question of regulatory arbitrage: it's a question of growth and opportunity. "“金融机构来这里发展业务,不是监管套利的问题,而是增长和机遇的问题。”

9.The PBOC must prevent the arbitrage of exchange rates between the onshore renminbi and offshore renminbi , he said .他说,中国央行必须阻止在岸与离岸之间,对人民币汇率的套利行为。

10.They were wilpng to psten to spck hedge-fund managers who promised to make 30 percent a year on high velocity yak-hide arbitrage.他们会倾听狡猾的对冲基金经理“短线投资yak-hide套期保值一年30%回报率”的保证。