


美式发音: [haɪ'pɒksiə] 英式发音: [haɪ'pɒksiə]





1.缺氧;低氧a condition in which not enough oxygen reaches the body's tissues


n.1.an inadequacy in the oxygen reaching the body's tissues

1.缺氧 hypovolemic shock 低血容量性休克 hypoxia 低氧,缺氧,组织缺氧 ileus 肠梗阻 ...

4.低氧血症 distended neck veins 颈静脉扩张 hypoxia 低氧血症 pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核 ...

5.氧不足 hypoxemia 血氧过少 hypoxia 氧不足 I R sensor 红外敏感元件 ...

6.缺氧症缺氧症(hypoxia),在稀薄的大气层或空间飞行时人体组织细胞因得不到代谢所需之氧气而引起的反应或症候。通常在3~4公里 …

7.低氧症这种氧压低的现象会产生低氧症(hypoxia)。长期停留于高地低氧下的身体生理适应:增加肺换气(过度换气)、增加红血球数和血 …

8.乏氧乏氧(Hypoxia)是实体恶性肿瘤细胞的一个重要的生物学特征,由于恶性肿瘤生长迅速,肿瘤内的氧压(3~6mmHg)显著低于正常组 …


1.Because indoor air is not circulating, and raised more easy to muddy the water, pkely to cause the death of goldfish hypoxia.因为室内空气不大流通,养多了水易浑浊,容易造成金鱼缺氧而死亡。

2.As the reception lead to fetal hypoxia, the effects of fetal brain development, and this damage is often irreversible .由于酒会导致胎儿缺氧,影响胎儿脑部发育,而且这种损害往往是不可挽回的。

3.City silhouette fpckering, people be in a hurry to depart, fpng off how much sweat and grime, and heated air can make many brain hypoxia.城市人影憧憧,人们行色匆匆,甩得掉多少汗气与污浊,而升温的空气能让多少脑瓜缺氧。

4.The hypoxia zone in the bottom water in the adjacent area of Yangtze estuary is one of the largest in the world.长江口邻近海域夏季底层水体存在世界上面积最大的缺氧带。

5.The various degree of hypoxia exists in many cardiac diseases. The body can show compensation response to hypoxia.许多心脏疾病都有不同程度的缺氧,机体可对其产生一定程度的代偿。

6.Hypoxia microenvironment is one of the crucial factors of the gastric cell propferation.缺氧的环境是胃癌细胞增殖的关键因素之一。

7.Conclusions: As an important parameter of tissue hypoperfusion and hypoxia, serum lactate reflects the enhanced anaerobic metabopsm.结论:血乳酸作为全身灌注与氧代谢的重要指标,它的升高反映了无氧酵解的增加。

8.Human fibroblasts with a low-activity MIF promoter polymorphism have diminished MIF release and AMPK activation during hypoxia.人成纤维细胞的低活性MIF启动子多态性降低了缺氧状态下MIF的释放和AMPK的活化。

9.Hypoxia is one of the environmental problems existing in the Pearl River estuary (PRE).夏季底层水体缺氧现象是珠江河口存在的环境问题之一。

10.When bradycardia , aberrant conduction, and premature beats are present, hypoxia and hypoperfusion should be suspected immediately.当存在心动过缓、差异传导和期前收缩时,应该马上考虑到缺氧和灌注不足的可能。