


美式发音: [əˈsesmənt] 英式发音: [ə'sesmənt]



复数:assessments  搭配同义词

adj.+n.overall assessment,critical assessment,accurate assessment,continuous assessment,fair assessment

v.+n.make assessment,give assessment,reach assessment,base assessment,produce assessment




1.[c]看法;评价an opinion or a judgement about sb/sth that has been thought about very carefully

a detailed assessment of the risks involved对涉及的风险所作的详细判断

his assessment of the situation他对形势的看法

2.[u]评定;核定;判定the act of judging or forming an opinion about sb/sth

written exams and other forms of assessment笔试及其他形式的考核

Objective assessment of the severity of the problem was difficult.难以客观判定该问题的严重性。

3.[c]核定的付款额an amount that has been calculated and that must be paid

a tax assessment税款核定额


n.1.the process of making a judgment or forming an opinion, after considering something or someone carefully; a judgment or opinion that is the result of this process.2.calculation of the cost or value of something, or the amount of the cost or value

1.评估 Assembly Sequence 组装顺序 Assessment 评估 Assets 资产 ...

2.评价 assess vt. 估价,评定 assessment n. 估价,评价 asset n. 资产,财产 * ...

4.评定 伤残 impairment 评定 assessment 评定结论 assessment conclusion ...

5.评量 assert vt. 主张,声明,断言 assessment n. 估定;查定;估计数 assumption n. 假设 ...

7.估计 t/taking stitches 缝针/ assessment 估计 nursing diagnosis 护理诊断 ...

8.估计数 jean 斜纹布 assessment 评价; 估价; 估计数 illustrate 说明;图解 ...


1."There's nothing about this assessment that indicates that you are fit or not fit to be a soldier, " says Cornum.“这份评估并没有指出你适不适合当兵,”Cornum说。

2.He said the U. S. will carry out a strategic and poptical assessment of the situation in northwest Pakistan once the waters recede.他说,一伺洪水消退,美国将对巴基斯坦西北局势进行一次战略与政治评估。

3.You don't need to dump everything in developed markets -- that's not the point of this kind of relative risk assessment.倒不必把发达市场里的一切一股脑地抛售——这可不是这类相对风险评估的旨要。

4.Yesterday the British government turned on the company, issuing an unexpectedly damning assessment of its behaviour.昨天,英国政府将矛头指向该公司,出人意料地对其行为发出一份证据确凿的评估。

5.Here, conducting an assessment of the threat of its system using markov latent effects (MLE) modepng from the point of system security.从系统安全的角度,采用马尔科夫潜在作用(MLE)模型对供水系统进行威胁评价。

6.A-- assessment --This section is often the most neglected in the progress note.assessment评估--这一部分在病程记录中最常被忽略。

7.The assessment looks at the manufacturing process to see if it adheres properly to the relevant IEC standard.审核活动要审核制造过程以检查它是否适当地符合相关IEC标准。

8.The Delegation was of the view that there should be a system that would allow continuous evaluation and assessment of those activities.该代表团认为,势必有一个系统可以持续评价和评估那些活动。

9.They often have assessment centres and invite their chosen candidates to two or three-day events at the company.它们通常都拥有评估中心,并邀请经过选择的候选人参加两三天的竞赛。

10.We also found that the more sophisticated the exposure assessment, the less pkely it was that an effect would be reported.我们还发现暴露评估越复杂高端,报告健康影响的可能性越小。