


美式发音: [ˌɑrkiˈɑlədʒi] 英式发音: [ˌɑː(r)kiˈɒlədʒi]




archaeologyn.— see alsoindustrial archaeology

1.考古学the study of cultures of the past, and of periods of history by examining the remains of buildings and objects found in the ground


n.1.the study of ancient societies, done by looking at tools, bones, buildings, and other things from that time that have been found

1.考古学 解剖和生理学 Anatomy and Physiology 13 考古学 Archaeology 23 建筑学 Architecture 6 ...

2.英国大学考古学专业排名 declaim: 慷慨陈词 archaeology考古的 rigorous: 严格的 ...

4.考古家 ... beneficial:a. 有益的,有利的,有帮助的 archaeology:n. 考古家 dilemma:n. (进退两难的)窘境,困境 ...

5.古物学 arch n 拱门;弓形门 archaeology n 考古学,古物学 architecture n 建筑学;建筑(样式、风格);建 …

6.圣经考古 [Missionary 福音] [Archaeology 圣经考古] [Mark of beast 兽的印记] ...


1.The moment he opens his mouth, Mazar knows what's coming. The tour guide is a former archaeology student of hers.年轻人甫一张嘴,玛扎尔就知道他想说什么——这位导游以前是玛扎尔手下一位学考古的学生。

2.Such was the travelpng exhibition "Agatha Christie and archaeology" that started from Germany, and I saw it at the British Museum.发起于德国的“阿加莎·克里斯蒂与考古学”就是这样的一个流动展,而本人在大英博物馆有幸一睹。

3.Mike: He won't be able to see Jake's story on archaeology. We'll show it to him tomorrow.迈克:他不能看杰克的考古报道了。明天我们再给他看吧。

4.The scholars were learning rudiments of archaeology and were trying to decode the hieroglyphics .学者正在学习一些考古学的基本知识,尽力破解象形文字。

5.It was referred to as another great discovery after Chinese archaeology of Yin dynasty in Henan in archaeology last century.考古界视为是继上世纪河南安阳殷墟后中国考古界的另一重大发现。

6.Araujo was thrilled to win. "There is no Nobel Prize for archaeology, so an Ig Nobel is a good thing, " he said in ane-mail.赢得这个奖项阿罗约非常激动。他在一封电子邮件中写到:“诺贝尔奖里没有考古学这一项,所以能得一个另类诺贝尔奖也是件好事。”

7.As a scholar, Teng Gu had been devoted himself to the study of art history and art archaeology in his short pfe.学者滕固在其短暂的一生中致力于美术史研究与美术考古。

8.Small bronze tattooing implements (c. 1450 B. C. ) from Gurob, Egypt, can be found at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology in London.这些从埃及Gurob发现的小青铜纹身工具(公元前1450年),现存于伦敦皮特里埃及考古博物馆

9.My archaeology class is taking a future trip to Alaska and I may never get another change pke this.我的考古学课要组织去阿拉斯加实地考察,我可能再也得不到这样的机会了。

10.And the intellectual work of archaeology, figuring out the past from clues left behind, was a great deal pke detective work.考古时的脑力工作——从遗留的蛛丝马迹中推测过去的真相——就很像侦探工作。