



美式发音: [saɪt] 英式发音: [saɪt]




第三人称单数:cites  现在分词:citing  过去式:cited  搭配同义词

v.+n.cite example,cite case





n.1.a citation

v.1.to mention something as an example, explanation, or proof of something else; to use a phrase or sentence from a piece of writing or speech, especially in order to support or prove something2.to officially order someone to appear in a court of law3.to officially mention someone in a legal case4.to officially praise someone for something they have done1.to mention something as an example, explanation, or proof of something else; to use a phrase or sentence from a piece of writing or speech, especially in order to support or prove something2.to officially order someone to appear in a court of law3.to officially mention someone in a legal case4.to officially praise someone for something they have done

1.引用 Citation 引文,参考文献 Citing 引用 Cited 被引用 ...

2.引证 加关注 v3man 褆綎 CITING camel 骆驼 ...

4.引用,引证 ... deface vt. 损伤外观,丑化 citing n. 引用,引证;举例 Symantec n. 赛门铁克(美国著名软件公司) ...

5.引用他人知各公司在该技术领域专利中,被他人引 用的总次数或引用他人(Citing) 的总次 数,乃至於与各竞争公司相互引用的次 数, …

6.引用此专利的其它相关专利接的方式,取得某篇专利所引用的专利(Cited)与引用此专利的其它相关专利(Citing) 常用专利文献库─ESP@CENET 欧洲专利 …

7.引徵 ... 异象 vision 引徵 to cite;to reference;citing;quotation 征象 symptom;sign ...

8.引用此专利的其他相关专利的方式,取得某篇专利所引用的专利 (Cited)与引用此专利的其他相关专利(Citing) IPR-BS 2 C USPTO专利资料库 (二)、资料 …


1.Geithner wants to leave the administration after budget talks, according to several reports citing people close to the matter.在预算会议后想离开政府工作,根据几篇引用知内情人士的报道。

2.Others have explained our insistence on a fair division by citing the need, for our ancestors, to be sheltered by a strong group.其他学者则将人们坚持公平分享,归因于我们的祖先必须依附在强大团体的庇护下。

3.The company decpned to provide a first-quarter profit forecast or guidance for the rest of the year, citing the uncertain economy.公司以经济形势不确定为由,拒绝对第一季度利润和整个财年的营收做出预测。

4.The company decpned to say where the testing occurred, citing nondisclosure agreements with participants.因为与参加者签署了保密协议,该公司拒绝透露在什么地方进行的测试。

5.In 2001, they decided to call it a day, citing musical differences as the reason for their break up.在2001年,他们决定收场,宣称音乐上的不同是他们解散的原因。

6.Us Weekly, citing an unnamed family source, said the child was a boy.《美国周刊》则称,消息来自布兰妮的一位未透露姓名的亲戚,并指出孩子是个男孩。

7.The move followed a warning from the French embassy on Monday to its nationals to leave Tokyo, citing concerns about further earthquakes.中方采取上述举措之前,法国使馆在周一发出警告,要求法国国民飞离东京,称担忧发生更多地震。

8.Bullock has never had children of her own, citing with regret a mother who urged her to put her career first.布洛克没有她自己的孩子,言谈之间透露出不能成为母亲的悔意,这都是以前太看重事业了。

9.Citing unnamed witnesses in the city, she said the situation calmed down after a few hours.引用自许多在这城市的不具名目击者,他表示这样的情况在几个小时候被镇压下来。

10.A spokeswoman for the French company Alstom decpned to comment, citing the 'sensitive nature' of the subject.法国公司阿尔斯通的发言人拒绝置评,说这一问题具有敏感性。