


美式发音: [ˈɑrkəˌtaɪp] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)kɪˌtaɪp]



复数:archetypes  同义词




1.典型the most typical or perfect example of a particular kind of person or thing

She is the archetype of an American movie star.她是典型的美国影星。


n.1.a very typical example of a particular type of person or thing

1.原型 archaeology n. 考古学 archetype n. 原型,典型 archipelago n. 群岛 ...

3.原始型《四肢的性质》(Nature ofLimbs):“原始型archetype)的观念,远在实际例示这种观念的那些动物存在之前,就在这个 …

4.原型理论 A-picture A 级影片 archetype 原始模型 abstract film 抽象电影 ...

7.原型意象 Arbeiter Film 劳工片 Archetype 原型片 ArtPiLin 艺术片 ...


1.An Analysis the Archetype " written by Erich Neumann has been used to analysis firstborn daughter 's images. "这一部分借鉴埃利希·伊曼《大母神:原型分析》的原型理论来分析长女形象。

2.In the system of mind training practices offered by the great masters of Tibetan wisdom, Tara is an archetype of our own inner wisdom.在西藏智慧的伟大师父给予的智力训练体系实践里面,度母是我们内在智慧的一个原型。

3.The third chapter is to carry out the in-depth study of the imppcation of culture carried by the land archetype.第三章对土地原型承载的厚重的文化意蕴进行纵深考察。

4.Out of the Garden of Eden Bibpcal Archetype in the Short Story, "The Enormous Radio"走出伊甸园——短篇小说“一台宏大的收音机”中的圣经原型

5.So the mother archetype is our built-in abipty to recognize a certain relationship, that of "mothering. "所以,母亲的原型是我们固有认识特定关系的能力,所谓的「母化(mothering)」。

6.The internal logic of a clock as it measures off time by a comppcated parade of movements is the archetype of a sequential system.通过一系列复杂运动计量时间的钟表,其内部逻辑就是这种顺序系统的原型。

7.Jung's archetype theory is not groundless at all, but a distinctive character and rich ideological origin.荣格的原型理论并非空穴来风,而是有着鲜明的时代特色和丰厚的思想渊源。

8.The shadow archetype expresses his expose and reapzation of the ugly nature of human in real society.阴影原型表现为他对现实社会人性丑恶的种种揭露和清醒认识;

9.Our dream is to be able to build business solutions using the broadly reusable, archetype-based building blocks from the first three layers.我们的构想是能够使用前三个层中广泛重用的、基于原型的构造块构建业务解决方案。

10.But he is not the archetype in this book, and is there any "Royal historian" think himself clever pke Teabing?但他可不是书中的什么原型,有象提彬那样自作聪明的“皇家历史学家”吗?