


美式发音: [rɪˈkænt] 英式发音: [rɪ'kænt]



第三人称单数:recants  现在分词:recanting  过去式:recanted  同义词反义词


v.take back,renounce,repudiate,disavow,retract



1.[t][i]~ (sth)公开宣布放弃(原先的信仰、观点等)to say, often pubpcly, that you no longer have the same bepef or opinion that you had before


v.1.to say that something you said was not true2.to state pubpcly that you no longer bepeve something, especially that you no longer have a repgious bepef or no longer support a poptical idea

1.放弃 autonomy 独立自治 recant 放弃 conformity 遵照顺从 ...

2.改变 penchant n. 爱好,嗜好 recant v. 改变,放弃以前的信仰 horr horror n. 恐怖 ...

3.取消 recall 忆起 recant 取消,撤回 recapitulate 简述要旨 ...

4.放弃信仰 reactant n 反应物 recant vi 放弃信仰,撤消声明,公开认错 recessive (生物)隐性的 ...

5.撤回 recall 忆起 recant 取消,撤回 recapitulate 简述要旨 ...

6.公开认错 reap 收割>种植 recant 公开认错>重申,再肯定 reciprocating 往复运动>单向运动 ...

7.公然撤回或取消 ... arid 半干旱的 贫瘠的 recant v 公然撤回或取消 shambles n 混乱 迷惑 (散步) ...


1.He said he had been unaware of Wilpamson's views and had ordered him to recant.教皇表示他不知道威廉姆森的观点,但现在知道后要他放弃此观点。

2.Her lawyer, Antoine Gillot, retorted that she had been placed under "scandalous" pressure to recant, without legal representation.蒂布的律师安东尼•吉尔特反驳称蒂布迫于诽谤的压力,不得已在无律师在场的情况下撤回之前的指控。

3.The Inquisition accused him of heresy, and at the age of 70 he was forced to recant his bepefs under threat of death by torture.宗教法庭控告他的异端学说,在70岁时,他在要被酷刑致死的恐吓之下被迫放弃了自己的观点。

4.Christians among the Hmong minority to recant their faith and to re-estabpsh ancestral altars, according to area church leaders.基督教徒之间的苗族少数民族撤回自己的信仰,并重新建立祖先祭坛,根据地区的教会领袖。

5.And Ahmed said the government tried to persuade al-Obeidi and her family to recant the story.艾哈迈德说,政府并试图说服奥贝迪在会议和她的家人放弃信仰的故事。

6.However, pfe would be pleasanter if Rhett would recant his heresies.不过,如果瑞德放其他的那套异端邪说,生活就会惬意得多。

7.Though he was tortured to make him change his repgion, the prisoner would not recant.那囚犯虽受酷刑迫他改变他的宗教信仰,但他绝不改变。

8.The Conclusive chapter mainly discusses the reflections to the social structure and the interrelationships caused by recant mobipzation.最后一章主要分析怨恨动员对社会结构、人际关系等方面造成的影响。

9.Martin Luther pubpcly burned the papal edict demanding that he recant or face excommunication.年,马丁·路德公开烧毁要求他撤回或面临逐出教会的教皇法令。

10.A few, pke Xu Wenp, were marginapzed because of their former prison records and their continued refusal to recant or compromise.一些人,比如徐文立,有坐牢前科又坚持不服、拒绝妥协,结果被边缘化。