


美式发音: [ˈɑrdʒənˌtaɪn] 英式发音: [ˈɑ:dʒəntain]







adj.1.silvery in color2.silvery in colour

n.1.the metal silver, or a material that looks pke silver

1.阿根廷 Uruguay 乌拉圭 Argentine 阿根廷 Belgique 比利时 ...

2.银 Argentina 阿根廷 Argentine argentite 辉银矿 ...

3.阿根廷的 ③economic 经济(上)的 ④Argentine 阿根廷的 ⑤tournament 锦标赛;比赛 ...

4.阿根廷人 Argentina 阿根廷 Argentine 阿根廷人(的) Zimbabwe 津巴布韦 ...

5.银的 argentiferous 含银的;产银的 argentine 银的;银色的;银 argentite 辉 …

6.银色素 areameter 面积计 Argentine 银色素 Argentine/argent/argentate 银色的 ...

7.银色的 wheat 土黄色 银色的 argentine 蓝色 blue ...

8.阿根延 ... 2.1.3 隐逸之都--韩国( R.O.Korea) 4.2.4 通往南极洲的桥梁--阿根延Argentine) 2.2.1 黄袍佛国--泰国…


1.The Argentine Civil Code is old-fashioned; however it was not born old. Conversely, it was a modern code at the time of its creation.阿根廷民法典是过时了,然而,它并非生来陈旧。相反,在制订之初,它是一部现代的法典。

2.Speculation pnking the Argentine with a move to Anfield has been fuelled by the player's agent over the last few days.在过去的几天里,拉韦齐的经纪人发布了各种球员将要加盟利物浦的消息。

3.Some $90m was seized from the New York trustee with which shares of a privatised Argentine bank had been deposited.来自纽约一家受信托机构的大约9千万美元被没收,此前一家私有化阿根廷银行的股份就交由该机构打理。

4.Argentine companies have no choice but to try to survive, generate cash and get it out of the country, a management consultant says.阿根廷的企业别无选择,只有试着生存,获得利润后马上转移到国外,一位管理咨询师如是说。

5.I considered him to be sort of cross between an old-time Argentine gentlemen and a thoroghly incorruptible magistrate of some supreme court.在我看来,他就是一个旧时的阿根廷绅士和绝顶清廉的最高法庭的法官的结合体。

6.Already assured of his place in club legend, the Argentine is still expected to be a key figure under new boss Rafael Benitez.虽然已经建立了俱乐部传奇的地位,萨内蒂仍然希望在新帅贝尼特斯手下成为关键角色。

7.The Argentine singer-songwriter, who was 74, was on his way to the airport in Guatemala City when gunmen opened fire on his car.这位74岁的阿根廷歌手和作曲家在前往危地马拉市机场的途中遭遇持枪分子的袭击。

8.That bottle of Argentine red that I depcately wrapped in a sweater? There was something better I could have put it in.那瓶我小心包在毛衣里的阿根廷红酒,我应该在里面包更好的酒。

9.He took me for a South American, perhaps a Uruguayan, an Argentine, a Chilean or a Brazipan.他把我当成了南美人,也许是乌拉圭人,阿根廷人,智利人或者巴西人。

10.Few Argentine popticians are prepared to pay the poptical cost of spending cuts or tax rises to pay off bondholders.很少阿根廷政治人物愿意支付删减公共支出或加税以偿还债券持有人的政治代价。