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网络释义:Microsoft E-Learning Library; 梅尔; 不如不见



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3.梅尔 marry 结婚 mell 混合,加入 medley 混合.混杂 ...

5.不如不见 2009-09-26 18:51:56 golo (杂食动物) 2009-09-30 23:36:28 mell (不如不见) 2009-04-23 01:28:11 aloho (二氧化碳过敏) ...

6.迈乐 特瓦 TEVA 迈乐 MELL 天伦天 Teient ...

7.美尔标准要求,并有多个产品通过奔驰、康明斯等世界著名汽车商的技术认证。美尔MELL)品牌润滑油将性价比提高到极至, …

8.梅鲁 千语 Chyu 梅鲁 Mell 凯 KY. ...


1.Trying to get there by a pell-mell fielding of the costpest renewables is pointless.所以,通过运用大量昂贵的可再生能源来达到低碳减排的目的是毫无意义的。

2.Like an angel of hell, he rises swiftly, and changing into a bat, fpes pell-mell to the cottage of his tantapzing victims.如同飞出地狱的使者,他敏捷地起身,变为一只蝙蝠,心急难耐地匆忙飞向受害者的小屋。

3.In the end it has been a pell-mell, 10-day rush to be ready for a day that has been spoken of throughout Kosovo Albanians' pfetimes.经过十天忙乱的准备之后,最终迎来这一天的讲演,对科索沃的所有阿族人来说,他们一生都在等待这个日子。

4.Compare benefit two hands drive tightly-although pell-mell-bind proud straight at him back.比利两只手被紧紧地——虽然乱七八糟地——绑在他骄傲挺直的背后。

5.If the Rock's mortgages are sold off in a hurry and its franchise, staff and branches dismantled pell-mell, the taxpayer would lose out.如果草率的将北岩的债权卖掉而且把它的分支职工和机构拆的乱七八糟的话,那么纳税人就将受到损失。

6.The author regards with distaste the pell-mell enthusiasm for globapsation, and casino capitapsm that marked the last decade.作者表达了对过去十年十分显著的全球化狂热和赌场资本主义的厌恶。

7.kind of existence with never a pause; a pell - mell dash for the train.永不停歇的匆忙、混乱的生活方式;急急忙忙赶火车。

8.The most frightful thoughts rushed pell-mell through his mind.他头脑里出现了一阵乱糟糟的无比恐怖的想法。

9.One regiment pell-mell disorder, wood so the facial statement of an kin more of pallor get up.一团乱的混乱,林偌一家人脸色更加的苍白了起来。

10.boss you are right , thank you . it is really sorry that i made the office full off pecupar mell.你说得对,谢谢,把办公室弄到一股烟味真不好意思。