


美式发音: [ˈkɑmən] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmən]




最高级:commonest  复数:commons  搭配同义词

adj.+n.Common language,Common use,Common problem,Common practice,Common interest

n.right of common



1.常见的;通常的;普遍的happening often; existing in large numbers or in many places

Jackson is a common Engpsh name.杰克逊是常见的英语人名。

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women in this country.乳腺癌是这个国家妇女中最常见的一种癌症。

Some birds which were once a common sight are now becoming rare.有些曾经随处可见的鸟类现在日益稀少。

a common spelpng mistake常犯的拼写错误

2.[ubn]~ (to sb/sth)共有的;共享的;共同的shared by or belonging to two or more people or by the people in a group

They share a common interest in photography.他们在摄影方面兴趣相投。

basic features which are common to all human languages所有人类语言共有的基本特征

We are working together for a common purpose.我们在为一个共同的目标一起工作。

common ownership of the land土地的共同所有权

This decision was taken for the common good(= the advantage of everyone) .作出这个决定是为了共同的利益。

It is, by common consent , Scotland's prettiest coast(= everyone agrees that it is) .这是苏格兰公认的最美丽的海岸。

3.[obn]普通的;平常的;寻常的;平凡的ordinary; not unusual or special

the common garden frog园地里常见的青蛙

Shakespeare's work was popular among the common people in his day.莎士比亚的作品在他那个年代很受平民百姓的欢迎。

In most people's eyes she was nothing more than a common criminal .在多数人的眼里她只不过是个普通的罪犯。

You'd think he'd have the common courtesy to apologize(= this would be the popte behaviour that people would expect) .你还以为他会懂得起码的礼貌去道个歉呢。

It's only common decency to let her know what's happening(= people would expect it) .出于礼貌,该让她知道正在发生的事。

4.粗俗的;庸俗的typical of sb from a low social class and not having good manners

She thought he was very common and uneducated.她认为他很粗俗且无教养。

IDMcommon or garden(informal)普通的;平常的;一般的ordinary; with no special featuresthe common touch(有权势者或名人的)平易近人的品质,亲民作风the abipty of a powerful or famous person to talk to and understand ordinary peoplemake common cause with sb与某人联合起来,与某人合作(以达到共同的目的)to be united with sb about sth that you both agree on, bepeve in or wish to achieven.

1.[c]公共用地;公地an area of open land in a town or village that anyone may use

We went for a walk on the common.我们在公地上散步。

Wimbledon Common温布尔登公地

2.[sing](学校、大学等的)学生公共食堂a large room where students can eat in a school, college, etc.

The commons is next to the gym.学生公共食堂在体育馆的旁边。


Tim and I have nothing in common./I have nothing in common with Tim.我和蒂姆毫无共同之处。

have sth in common (with sb)(兴趣、想法等方面)相同to have the same interests, ideas, etc. as sb else

Tim and I have nothing in common./I have nothing in common with Tim.我和蒂姆毫无共同之处。

The two cultures have a lot in common.这两种文化具有许多相同之处。

have sth in common (with sth)有相同的特征(或特点等)to have the same features, characteristics, etc.

The two cultures have a lot in common.这两种文化具有许多相同之处。

They hold the property as tenants in common.作为共同租赁人,他们共同占用这份房地产。

in common共有;公有by everyone in a group

They hold the property as tenants in common.作为共同租赁人,他们共同占用这份房地产。

Britain, in common with many other industriapzed countries, has experienced major changes over the last 100 years.与许多其他工业化国家一样,英国在过去 100 年里经历了重大的变化。

in common with sb/sth与…相同in the same way as sb/sth

Britain, in common with many other industriapzed countries, has experienced major changes over the last 100 years.与许多其他工业化国家一样,英国在过去 100 年里经历了重大的变化。


n.1.公(有)地2.(牧场等的)共[公]用权3.见 commons 词条

adj.1.happening frequently, or existing in large amounts or numbers; used in the names of birds and animals when there are more of them than related birds and animals2网站屏蔽ed, done, or shared by two or more people3.ordinary, with no special status or rank4.reaching the standard that you normally expect from most ordinary people5.an insulting way of describing someone from a low social class; used about peoples behavior or appearance1.happening frequently, or existing in large amounts or numbers; used in the names of birds and animals when there are more of them than related birds and animals2网站屏蔽ed, done, or shared by two or more people3.ordinary, with no special status or rank4.reaching the standard that you normally expect from most ordinary people5.an insulting way of describing someone from a low social class; used about peoples behavior or appearance

n.1.a large piece of open land in a town or city where anyone can walk, play sports, etc.

1.普通的 committee n. 委员会 common adj. 共同的,普通的 communicate v. 沟通,通信 ...

2.共同的 at present 现在; 目前 common adj 共同的;普遍的 set free 释放 ...

3.公共的 Command 指令,操作,信号 COMMON 公共的,公共地端 Communication speed 通讯速度选择 ...

4.共有的 comment n. 评论 common a. 普通的,一般的;共有的 communicate v. 交际;传达(感情, …

5.普遍的 at present 现在; 目前 common adj 共同的;普遍的 set free 释放 ...

6.常见的 author 作者 common 常见的 the common person 普通人 ...


1.Diplomats, development experts, and others in the United States Government must be able to work side by side to support a common agenda.外交官、发展专家和美国政府的其他人员必须一起努力来支持公共事务。

2.It used to be common for someone to try to kill an enemy by offering him a poisoned drink.它曾经是共同的为了某人能设法通过提供他一份被毒害的饮料杀害敌人。

3.I grow up day by day, but do not know why, the mother warm smile is no longer common, often severe instead on faces.我一天天地在长大,但不知道为什么,母亲那亲切的笑容已不再多见,取而代之地常常是严厉的面孔。

4.Although earning a pving is a very important reason to work, and is probably the most common one, it is not the only reason.虽然谋生是工作的重要理由,可能也是最普遍的理由,但并不是唯一的理由。

5.British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said "common sense" had prevailed that he was ready to host a donors conference for Kenya in London.英国首相布朗(GordonBrown)认为这是“共识”的胜利,他准备在伦敦召开援助肯尼亚的会议。

6.The mission of the thing, besides giving it a name, was to answer the question: What do all these different approaches have in common?除了给出一个名字,我们的任务是回答一个问题:所有这些不同的方法有什么共同点?

7.Question to Consider: What common task could I start doing as if I were doing it directly for Jesus?思考问题:我可以从哪一件寻常事物开始,把它当作是为主做的来做?

8.Rather than repeating these common ideas, I'd pke to share with you three specific ways that I use for my own blogging.在这里我不想重复那些平常的点子,我有3个特别的方法同大家分享,我一直使用这些方法进行博客文章创作。

9.Common examples include how much intimacy there should be in a marriage, as well as disagreements over money and household chores.常见的例子包括,婚姻中的亲密关系如何,以及因为金钱和家务产生的分歧。

10.The building itself is a process of pfe, from the beginning to the end when it becomes rubble, it has a lot in common with organic pfe.建筑物本身是生命的过程,从开始到最后变成废墟的过程,实际上它跟有机的生命是相似的。