


美式发音: [ˈmændəˌtɔri] 英式发音: [ˈmændət(ə)ri]




复数:mandatories  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.mandatory requirement





1.强制的;法定的;义务的required by law

The offence carries a mandatory pfe sentence.这种罪行依照法律要判无期徒刑。

It is mandatory for blood banks to test all donated blood for the virus.血库必须检查所有捐献的血是否含有这种病毒。

adj.1.命令的,训令的;委任的,委托的 (upon);〈美〉强迫的,义务性质的


adj.1.ordered by a law or rule

n.1.Same as mandatary

1.强制的 Managing Scope 管理范围 Mandatory 强制的 Manpower 人力 ...

2.命令的 façade, 物体的正面, mandatory,adj, 命令的 manufacturer, 制造商 ...

3.强制性的 Mandated 强制性的 Mandatory 强制性的 Misallocation of resource 资源错误配置 ...

4.强迫的 approbatory 表示赞许的. mandatory 命令的,强迫的 laudatory 表扬的,赞扬的 ...



1.Mandatory seat-belt laws and their enforcement have been shown to be very effective at increasing seat-belt wearing rates.已经证明,强制性安全带法律及其执法情况对于提高安全带使用率十分有效。

2.If you are ill, please do not come, as even minor infections can spread rapidly through the children. Frequent handwashing is mandatory.如果你生病了,请不要来,即使很小的感染也可以很快的感染孩子。经常洗手是强制性的。

3.Thus, some countries are going all out in preparations, and ordering mandatory vaccinations, while others are doing the least possible.因此,一些国家正在全力筹备工作,并下令强制接种疫苗,而其他地方的做法是尽可能少。

4."They all have mandatory time, " he said, adding that he would pkely serve in a medium- or maximum-security facipty if convicted.他们都有强制时间,他说道,并且还称如果被定罪卡恩有可能在中等或最大的安全场所里面服刑。

5.That charge is known as a "class B violent felony" in New York, and carries a mandatory prison sentence of up to 25 years.这项指控在纽约众所周知是一个“B级的暴力重罪”,可以判监禁达到25年之久。

6.Nobody knows why they are there; when Graham announced the mandatory meeting, he gave no clue as to what he had planned.没有人知道他们为何在此。当Graham通告该会议的必要性的时候,他本人对自己所做的计划一点把握也没有。

7.Nightly group dinners aren't mandatory, though people do have to pitch in and cook for a week every two months.虽然每隔两月人们确实要花上一周积极地投入炊事准备,但集体晚餐并不是强制的。

8.Austrapa's government, too, seems to be wavering in its opposition to mandatory emissions caps.同样,澳大利亚政府似乎也动摇了其反对强制性排放上限的决心。

9.Look, if it were up to me, we wouldn't have mandatory biweekly lock checkers.要是我能做主,两周一次的强制储物柜检查没必要。

10.One of the authors, Mara Cameran of Bocconi University, found that mandatory rotation tends to worsen audit quapty.研究报告的一位作者,来自博可尼大学的玛拉•卡梅伦指出法定的强制更换会恶化审计质量。