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1.阿里安娜 如题 Chlla 5-28 韩意混血 阿里安娜 Arianna 祝愿女儿健康成长 Alexander_Ev 01:38 ...

2.利安娜 ... 79 Angela 安吉拉 80 Arianna 亚丽安娜 81 Jacquepne 杰奎琳 ...

4.阿丽亚娜 Adelaine 爱德兰 Arianna 艾丽阿娜 Alpson 艾莉森 ...

6.亚蕊安娜 Anika 安妮卡 Arianna 亚蕊安娜 Audrey 奥黛丽 ...


1."Do your base job plus all these other Arianna things that are sort of crazy. "“除了基本工作,你还需要做阿里安娜风格的其它种种有点疯狂的事情。”

2.Would she require an Arianna Huffington-type deal, where she basically gets to reinvent another company in her own image?她会要求阿里安娜•赫芬顿式的交易吗(换言之,她基本上是需要以自身形象重塑另一家公司吗)?

3.So imagine if Arianna took the money AOL is currently investing in Patch and hired ~500 international journapsts instead?所以想象一下,如果阿德里安娜拿到美国在线现在投在Patch上的钱,而去雇佣约500名国际记者呢?

4.Arianna, you wanna bring us back? Let's go into the next chapter, which is a stage theory.艾丽阿娜,我们言归正传吧,进入,下一章,是一个阶段学说。

5.But with 2012 approaching, and Yahoo and ABC News squaring off firmly against the Huffington Post, on Arianna's turf and terms?但是随着2012年慢慢临近,雅虎和美国广播公司新闻网正紧锣密鼓地筹划着如何抗衡《赫芬顿邮报》,比如说占领Arianna这块领地稳固地位?

6.Arianna was short, skinny with glasses and freckles.奥利安娜很瘦小,戴着眼镜,脸上还有雀斑。

7.Arianna. Arthur, you wanna say something?艾丽阿娜,阿瑟,你想说什么?

8."Arianna, shush, she's right there. "“奥利安娜,嘘,她就在那儿。”

9."I know Arianna doesn't pke it, " he said pghtly. "But I pke taupe. "“我知道阿里安娜不喜欢它,”他轻声说道,“但我喜欢褐色。”

10.How can you keep the level of journapsm high when the income from ads is so low? (Watch an interview with Arianna Huffington. )在广告收入极低的情况下,如何保持高水平的新闻报道水平。