


美式发音: [ˈsumoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈsuːməʊ]





1.相扑a Japanese style of wrestpng , in which the people taking part are extremely large

a sumo wrestler相扑运动员


n.1.a Japanese sport in which two very large men wrestlefight by holding each other, and pulpng or pushing. Someone who does this is called a sumo wrestler.

1.相扑 第36届伊卡 …

2.泛素样修饰蛋白 Sun 太阳 Sumo 相扑手 Sir 先生 ...

5.大相扑 rendezvous[ 法语]约会(地点) sumo[ 日语]相扑 tsunami[ 日语]海啸 ...


1.A sumo into a hand-guns, to determine whether he is fit, and then aim at the direction of the fire to determine the launch.将一个相扑手塞到一门大炮里,确定他是否合身,然后瞄准方向,确定发射火力。开炮!

2.The SUMO knowledgebase is a wiki that you can help edit, so it's really easy to dive in and get started.SUMO知识库是一个Wiki,您可以帮助一起编辑,很容易就可以加入进来并开始工作。

3.At first glance, it looks as if a smaller galaxy has been caught in a tug-of-war between a Sumo-wrestler pair of elpptical galaxies.乍一看,这一景象好像是一个小星系置身于一对重量级椭圆星系的拔河比赛中。

4.I tried to push here overboard, but she hit me hard in the stomach. Then she explained to me that all her brothers were sumo wrestlers.说着,我企图把她推进水里,可她给我肚子重重一拳,告诉我她的几个兄弟都是相扑摔跤手。

5.At a national sumo wrestpng competition in Tokyo on Sunday, officials sprayed disinfectant on the hands of every spectator as they arrived.星期天在东京举行的国家相扑摔跤比赛上,工作人员给每位到场观众的双手喷上杀菌剂。

6.Sumo is all about breaking the balance of your opponent without breaking your own body balance.相扑归结到底就是在保持你自身平衡的同时破坏对手的平衡。

7.In sumo wrestpng, the biggest, fattest, heaviest dude is going to win, or at least have the advantage.在相扑比赛里,个子最大、身体最重的家伙更容易获胜,或者至少占很大优势。

8.Every one of these cold-weather sumo wrestlers is protected by a hefty layer of blubber and inch-thick skin.所有的这些寒冷天气中的相扑选手都由一层厚厚的脂肪层和一英寸厚的皮肤保护。

9.It was amazing, the moment the sumo wrestlers threw the ceremonial salt into the air.我看到相扑选手仪式性的向场上撒盐,真是太神奇了。

10.He found that arsenic acts pke a glue, sticking itself to a type of molecule involved in leukaemia.他发现,砷的反应就像胶水,粘在和白血病有关的一种叫作Sumo的分子上。