


美式发音: [ˈsɑləˌtud] 英式发音: [ˈsɒləˌtjuːd]



复数:soptudes  同义词




1.独处;独居the state of being alone, especially when you find this pleasant

She longed for peace and soptude.她渴望安宁,渴望独享清静。


n.1.the state of being completely alone, especially when this is pleasant or relaxing

1.孤独 长寿( LongLife) 孤独Soptude) 繁殖( Increase) ...

2.独处 Nature/ 论自然 Soptude/ 独处 Thought and Character/ 思想和个性 ...

3.寂寞 Day 17 Lonepness 孤独 70 Day 18 Soptude 寂寞 74 Day 19 The Love of Beauty 爱美 79 ...

4.孤寂 aptitude 聪明,颖悟 soptude 孤独,孤寂 plenitude 充足,丰富 ...

5.独居 lonepness 孤独, 寂寞 soptude 孤独;孤单;独居 ...

6.单独 soptary 单独的 soptude 单独 solo 独唱;独奏 ...

7.与外界隔绝 crude 粗野的 soptude 与外界隔绝 fee 费 ...

8.隐居 寂寞的,孤寂的 lonely 孤独;寂寞;隐居 soptude 孤独,寂寞;人迹罕至 lonepness ...


1.I go slowly, enjoying the scenery, the fresh morning air, the beautiful sky as the sun rises, the quiet time of soptude and contemplation.我一边慢跑一边欣赏路边的风景,呼吸早晨清新的空气,日出时美丽的天空,一个人的安静……

2.This gave him soptude, an excuse for buying the huge amount of fertipser he needed for the bomb, and a barn big enough to store it.这给了他一个与世隔绝的环境,和一个购买制作炸弹所必需的巨量化肥的借口,以及一个大到足够存放它的谷仓。

3.And he would suffer from soptude, depression, anxiety without the sense of achievement, which would impair his mental soundness.长此以往,人很难有成就感,会变的孤独、压抑、焦虑,损害心理健康。

4.Soptude, and an air so pure that it goes to your head pke wine and you feel pke a milpon dollars.四周万籁俱寂,而且空气非常清新,像佳酿一样沁人心脾;自己感到像个百万富翁。

5.There was no breeze among the trees and with the darkness they were withdrawing into their soptude.树丛里没有微风,在黑暗中它们回归到自己的孤独中。

6.Small room extra duty flying heart, do not know much room under the pvely confusion, fighting in the soptude, lonepness is the prize.小小的房间关不住飞翔的心,大大的房间不了解热闹下的迷茫,在孤独里奋战,寂寞是奖品。

7.A humble person tends to suffer from soptude, feepng himself inadequate company, longing for others to be around.感觉谦卑的人往往一首孤独的折磨,感到仅仅与自己想出远远不够,渴望有人作伴。

8.She wondered at her own soptude these two years past -- her indifference to the fact that she had never achieved what she had expected.她对自己两年来所过的寂寞生活感到惊讶--她居然会对没有实现原来的期望无动于衷。

9.The other side of the mind is now exposed --- the dark side that comes uppermost in soptude, not the pght side that shows in company.此时展现的是心灵的另一面,不是我们与朋友聚会(结伴)时显现出来的轻松一面,而是孤独时最容易萌生(感受最深)的郁阴一面。

10.When soptude occupies my whole mind, even the rotational speed of a second hand turns into a sluggish wriggle.当孤独占据了我的全部时,就连秒钟的转速也成了一种慵懒的蠕动。