




1.阿里乌学派、阿里乌主义、亚流主义)由曾任亚历山大主教 的阿利乌Arius)(或译亚流)(西元250 年—336 年)领导的基督教 …

5.亚利乌 onmeritandassurance 论功德与确信,161 Arius 亚利乌 ontheLogos 论道,66 ...

6.阿里乌斯阿里乌斯教派(Arianism) 由亚历山大主教阿里乌斯(Arius)开创,相信圣父上帝和圣子耶稣不是同时存在的,耶稣是上帝创造的, …

7.艾瑞斯召开这个会议的原因是一个名叫艾瑞斯Arius)的高龄长老宣布否认基督完全的神性,说「『耶稣』在『某段时间』曾经不是 …


1.Jupa ran afar to Mandeni's palace where Arius was. She got in, pretended to be a servant there and went straight to Arius's room.茱莉亚跑进了玛德尼的宫殿,找到艾利乌待的地方,假装成仆人,径直地朝艾利乌的房间走去。

2.Arius: Your father appears to be cooperating. You will be back with him soon. Won't that be nice?阿惰瑞斯:你父亲划看起来很涎合作。你很快就会回到他身边。这不是很好吗?

3.Arius: Your father appears to be cooperating. You will be back with him soon. Won' t that be nice?阿瑞斯:你父亲看起来很投合作。你很快就会回到他身边。这不是很好吗?

4.She said to Arius. "I only married your father because of his riches and plan to rule the world. "她对弗洛斯说,“我嫁给你爸爸就是为了他的财富和他想统治世界的野心。”

5.Arius smiled as he twiddled with his father's ear, surprised that his Father wasn't moving.艾利乌一直在笑,因为他在玩他爸爸的耳朵,好奇爸爸为什么一动不动。

6.Arius stood up, and dusted the materials off of his laboratory jacket.艾利乌站起了身,抖了抖沾满实验材料的夹克。

7.Arius asked. "I've always been interested in science. "艾利乌问,“我对科学很感兴趣。”

8.You know, Arius, I'm fine.你知道吗,艾利乌,我没事。

9.Arius high-fived Trevor. "Our town is full of girls and the only boys are my brothers. "艾利乌对特雷福说,“我们这个镇全是女孩,仅有的男孩都是我兄弟。”

10.Her father, Arius Floors, was a friendly business man that Jupa met at Fiona's house.她的父亲,艾瑞斯·弗洛斯是个和蔼的商人,茱莉亚在霏欧纳的家里见过他。