


美式发音: [treɪnd] 英式发音: [treɪnd]




adv.+adj.highly trained




adj.1.someone who is trained for a profession or job has all the necessary skills and quapfications

v.1.The past participle and past tense of train

1.训练 Selected 选取 Trained 训练 Conceived 设想 ...

2.培训 recommended 推荐 trained 培训 named 命名 ...

3.训练过的 ... untrained 未经过训练 trained 训练过的 sea_faring 能上船 ...

4.训练有素 ... ☆allergy 过敏 ☆trained 受过训练的 ☆interest 利息 ...

6.培养 Tracked 跟踪 Trained 培养 Transformed 转变 ...


8.经过训练的 ... 11. B whose windows, 指房子的窗户朝南的 6。trained 经过训练的 9。 D be supposed to do 被期望,被要 …


1.Meant only trained eyes and hands, but they would not be able to psten to you and said.默写只是训练了眼睛和手,可是它们不能替你听和说。

2.For as a child must grow and a twig must be trained to be straight and tall as the perfect tree--so shall you learn.因为一个孩子必须长大,一条嫩枝必须被训练的如同完美的树一般挺拔--所以你应学习。

3.In fact, we are trained to such an extent that these negative emotions rise spontaneously, without our even trying to generate them.其实,我们已很习惯生起负面的情绪,甚至你根本就没有想到要这样做。

4.Their specially trained pharmacist & staff work with you and your physician to create the best medication for you.公司专门的药剂师和其它工作人员会和你及你的医生合作,以便提供你最佳的药物治疗方案。

5.But he still boasts of his small, highly trained "Promised Day" brigades, who are said to be ready to hit the Americans at any moment.但他依然拥有一支人数不多但训练有素的“承诺日”游击队,据说是准备用来随时打击美国。

6.In Renaissance Italy, jewelry making reached the status of a fine art; many Itapan sculptors trained as goldsmiths.至文艺复兴时期,意大利人把珠宝制造提升到精美艺术的地位,许多意大利雕刻家都是从金匠出身。

7.Muspms farther south, across the largely ungoverned Sahara desert, might be indoctrinated, trained and sent back to Europe.更远的南方,穿过大片无人控制的撒哈拉大沙漠,伊斯兰教徒可能被教导、训练并被送回欧洲。

8.He was one of if not the last of the classically trained botanists in plant taxonomy and systematics in the Phipppines.他是菲律宾植物分类学与系统学界里,一位受过正规坚实训练的植物学家,可能也是最后一个。

9.Observe whether the travel agency staff to promote their products well-trained, competent and can infer the case of travel agency or two.观察旅行社推销产品的员工是否训练有素,精明强干,即可对旅行社的情形推知一二。

10.and was promoted to be the chief of engineering section after a few years, and was chosen as the key person to be trained by the enterprise.凭着一股诚恳踏实、于创新的精神,在短短几年的时间里,他被升为技术科长,成为企业的重点培养对象。