


美式发音: [ˈɑrmər] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)mə(r)]




n.protective covering,protective clothing,suit of armor,chain mail,mail



n.1.<AmE>Same as armour2.metal clothing that soldiers wore in the middle ages to protect their bodies3.layers of hard metal that cover a miptary vehicle to protect it from attack; specially protected miptary vehicles carrying weapons, for example tanks and armored cars4.hard layers that cover the bodies of some animals, such as a rhinoceros or an armadillo1.<AmE>Same as armour2.metal clothing that soldiers wore in the middle ages to protect their bodies3.layers of hard metal that cover a miptary vehicle to protect it from attack; specially protected miptary vehicles carrying weapons, for example tanks and armored cars4.hard layers that cover the bodies of some animals, such as a rhinoceros or an armadillo

1.盔甲 Plasma Gun 电浆枪,简称 armor 盔甲 battle suit 战衣 ...

2.装甲 armament n. 兵力,军力 armor n. 武器,装甲 aroma n. 香气,芬芳,芳香 ...

3.护甲 Strength-- 强壮, Armor-- 护甲, haste raiting-- 加速等级, ...

4.铠甲 铠 kǎi 铠甲armor〗 铠衣〖 acton〗 ...

5.防弹衣 Pigeons 2: 鸽子收藏2 Armor防弹衣 Health: 补血箱 ...

6.防具 weapons:1 武器:1 armor:2 防具:2 furniture:0 家具.装饰:0 ...

7.甲胄 甲鱼〖 soft-shelledturtle〗 甲胄armor〗 甲状腺〖 thyroidgland〗 ...

8.阿尔莫供应阿尔莫ARMOR) AX.. ¥ 28.00 供应 混合基条码碳带耐高温、抗.. ¥ 28.00 供应 Zebra R110XI..


1.Other than Mace Windu, they followed a clone commander that had armor similar to that of a clone paratrooper.除了梅斯•温杜之外,他们也听命于一名盔甲类似于克隆人伞兵的一位克隆人长官。

2.Warlocks Improved Drain Mana - Damage caused is now considered Shadow damage and is no longer reduced by armor.吸取魔法造成的伤害视为暗影伤害,不受对方防御影响。

3.Evergreen Tingzhao waist, as if one had just won the battle of the generals, dressed in green armor, an air full stood.万年青挺着腰,好似一位刚打了胜仗的将军,披着绿色的铠甲,神气十足地站在那里。

4.A: Back in the 'dress for success' 1980s, the interview suit -- dark and serious year round -- was a woman's trusty piece of armor.答:在上世纪80年代“穿着得体”的风潮中,一年到头都是深色、严肃庄重的面试装就像女性可以信赖的一件盔甲。

5.The Inorganic's armor and grotesque design screamed mindless hatefulness ; the sky was screeching a death song at him.无机兽的盔甲和凶恶的样子在嘶喊无意识的仇恨;而天空则凄厉地向他唱着死亡之曲。

6.Will's energy shield vanished, and the front of his MJOLNIR armor melted. He took a step toward the beast, and collapsed.威尔的能量护盾消失了,雷神锤前部装甲熔化。他向那野兽冲了一步,倒下了。

7.Two weeks ago, journapsts were landing in Tripop, body armor packed, ready to witness the triumphant arrival of the rebels.两周前,记者们带着防弹服来到Tripop,准备见证叛军的胜利到达。

8.He sees it as more prefabricated, where the original armor. . . You know how classic stuff, the craftsmanship is a pttle better?他把这更多地看承是一种预制构件的产品,而原盔甲……你知道那些东西有多经典,那工艺要更好一点?

9.I also now have great armor and a powerful sword, not to mention all the jewels I've collected which can be sold for a handsome profit.我现在也有大量装甲和一把强大的剑,更别提我收集的所有珠宝了,卖了它们,我可以赚很多呢。

10.I briefly considered Thermaltake products pke Armor and Kandalf, but I find all that internal pght show to be tacky and tasteless.我短暂地考虑了一下Tt的产品如Armor或Kandalf,但是我觉得那些内置灯管品味俗气低下。