


美式发音: [ˈlæŋɡwɪʃ] 英式发音: ['læŋɡwɪʃ]




第三人称单数:languishes  现在分词:languishing  过去式:languished  同义词反义词





1.[i]~ (in sth)被迫滞留;长期受苦;受煎熬to be forced to stay somewhere or suffer sth unpleasant for a long time

She continues to languish in a foreign prison.她继续被囚禁在一所外国的监狱里。

2.[i]变得衰弱;未能取得进展to become weaker or fail to make progress

The share price languished at 102p.股票价格停滞在 102 便士上。

v.1.憔悴;潦倒2.衰弱,疲倦3.(草木等)凋萎4.烦恼;焦思,渴望 (for)5.(兴趣等)减弱,减少6.作出楚楚动人的伤感之态[倦态等]1.憔悴;潦倒2.衰弱,疲倦3.(草木等)凋萎4.烦恼;焦思,渴望 (for)5.(兴趣等)减弱,减少6.作出楚楚动人的伤感之态[倦态等]


v.1.to fail to be successful or to improve2.to remain in a difficult or unpleasant situation for a long time

1.憔悴 language 语言 languish 凋谢;憔悴 lantern 灯笼 ...

2.衰弱 lacteal a 乳汁的;乳白的 103 languish v 卷怠,衰弱 languor n 衰弱,憔 …

3.凋萎 lethargy n. 无生气 18。 languish vi. 憔悴, 凋萎, 衰退, 苦思 19。 lassitude n. 疲乏 20。 ...

4.受折磨 beacon 灯塔 languish 受苦,受折磨 gentile 非犹太教徒, 异教徒 ...

5.失去活力 lane n. 小路, 小巷; 行车道 languish v. 变得衰弱无力; 失去活力 lantern n. 灯, 灯笼 ...

6.受苦 beacon 灯塔 languish 受苦,受折磨 gentile 非犹太教徒, 异教徒 ...

7.萧条 laconism 语句简洁> 赘言 languish 萧条,衰败> 欣欣向荣 ... - verbosity level 信息级别 ...

8.憔悴,凋萎 ton 后缀) languish vi. 憔悴,凋萎(此词系缀合派生词。 it 它) ...


1.The sun continued to languish until mid-December, when the largest group of sunspots to emerge for several years appeared.太阳的了无生气一直延续下来,直到12月中旬,一组最大的可持续数年的太阳黑子出现了。

2.Night rush him to languish in a circle, even he has always been proud of his chin clean and also grow a beard.一夜的奔波让他憔悴了一大圈,连他一向整洁引以为豪的下巴也长出了胡子。

3.Also appearing on This Week, former U. S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said the New START treaty must not be allowed to languish.同样出现在本周节目中的前美国国务卿奥尔布赖特说,绝对不能允许新的战略核武器条约失去活力。

4.The Biancocelesti have had a disastrous season, and currently languish in a desperately disappointing 12th position in Serie A.蓝白军团经历了一个糟糕的赛季,现在在意甲联赛中令人失望地排在了12名。

5.Member states, which would have to approve any tariffs, could also press Mr De Gucht to let the file languish.开征关税必须得到欧盟成员国的拍板,这些成员国也可能对德古赫特施压,要求他搁置这件事。

6.With all the work we put into the class and the quests, we aren't going to let death knights languish in obscurity.我们在职业和任务作了大量工作,不会让死亡骑士成为笑话或者没人关注的。

7.For Somaps, the simple fact that pirates offer jobs is enough to gain their esteem, even as hostages languish on ships for months.对于索马里人而言尽管船上的人质因被挟持数月而憔悴,但海盗提供了许多就业机会,仅此一点就足以赢得他们的尊重。

8.Such services may languish until a more effective governance strategy can bring them into the pght of day.在出台更有效的治理策略之前,这些服务可能会一直处于被搁置状态、永不见天日。

9.Judah mourns , her cities languish; they wail for the land, and a cry goes up from Jerusalem.犹大悲哀,城门衰败。众人披上黑衣坐在地上。耶路撒冷的哀声上达。

10.With most of its earnings from exploring and producing, PetroChina is firmly out of favour as oil prices languish.由于中石油的大部分收益来自勘探和生产领域,因此随着油价下滑,该公司肯定会受到冷落。