




1.橘子树 主题医院 Theme Hospital 橘子树 orange tree 疯狂泊车 Mad Parking Lite ...

2.橙树 海盗掠夺 2 Pirates P 橙树 Orange Tree v1. 泰坦 Titan v1.6 ...

3.橘树 ... 橘草属 citronella grass 橘树 orange tree 砍树 to chop wood;to chop down trees ...

4.桔子树 apple tree 苹果树 orange tree 桔子树 privet hedge 女贞树 ...

5.柳橙树 我的世界- Survivalcraft 橙子树- Orange Tree 龙之刃- Dragon's Blade ...

7.橙酒店共13个 “ 普吉大街上很多类似国内报亭的旅游代理点可以预订去p…


1.Once upon a time there was a poor man . He had an orange tree in his garden . On the tree there were many oranges .从前,有一个穷人,在他的院子里面长着一棵橘子树,在那棵树上长着许多的橘子。

2.You can try to tell people that this banana tree is an orange tree all you want, but the fruit will tell the truth.你可以试图告诉人们,这棵香蕉树是一棵桔子树或一切你想说的,但果实会分辨事实。

3.I do not know how old orange tree, but I know it has been his grandmother's most faithful patron saint.我不知道老橘树有多大,但我却知道它一直是奶奶最忠实的守护神。

4.Long ago there pved an old man. He had a very big orange tree in his garden. On the tree there were many fine oranges.很久以前有(一个地方住着)一位老人,他家的花园里有一棵很大的橘子树,树上结了许多漂亮的橘子。

5.She imagined him there, sleepwalking under the grass in the courtyard beside the orange tree, a handful of wet earth in his mouth.她想象他在那儿,在院子里那棵桔子树周围的青草下面梦游,嘴里含着一把潮湿的泥土。

6.The orange were very small, not pke the ones today. The orange tree probably came from China.桔子树可能来源于中国,那里到现在还有许多不同种类的野生桔子。

7."I won't be surprised either, " said the farmer, "this is an orange tree" .农民说,“我也不感到奇怪,这是棵橘子树”。

8.Mine would de that our friendly would last until you see an apple in an orange tree .我的愿望是我们的友谊长长久久,直到橘子树长出苹果来!

9.Looking at his merchandise on display under an orange tree, I was drawn to an ancient map of Turkey in dappled colours.看着他摆在橘子树下的东西,我一下子被一张颜色斑驳的土耳其旧地图吸引住了。

10.People can tell that this is a banana tree, or a peach tree, or an orange tree, by the fruit the tree produces.人们可以凭借树结的果实辨别这是一棵香蕉树,还是桃树,还是桔子树。