


美式发音: [əˈspp] 英式发音: [əˈspːp]






adj.sleeping,slumbering,dead to the world,napping,sound asleep




The baby was sound asleep(= sleeping deeply) upstairs.婴儿在楼上睡得很香。

I waited until they were all fast asleep(= sleeping deeply) .我一直等到他们都进入了梦乡。

He was so exhausted that he fell asleep at his desk.他太累了,竟伏在书桌上睡着了。

She was still half asleep(= not fully awake) when she arrived at work.她到了上班地点时仍然睡眼惺忪。

The popce found him asleep in a garage.警察发现他在车库里睡着了。



adj.1.not awake2.the mixed-up state of the head3.<euphemism>the euphemism for "dead"4.if your foot, hand etc is asleep, it is numb you can't feel it5.not alert enough to function or operate properly6.still, not active7.indifferent and careless1.not awake2.the mixed-up state of the head3.<euphemism>the euphemism for "dead"4.if your foot, hand etc is asleep, it is numb you can't feel it5.not alert enough to function or operate properly6.still, not active7.indifferent and careless

adv.1.in or into a sleeping state2.in or into a inactive or still state3.in the sleep of the dead4.indifferently1.in or into a sleeping state2.in or into a inactive or still state3.in the sleep of the dead4.indifferently

1.睡着的 ask vt. 问;要求;邀请 asleep a. 睡着的,睡熟的 aspect n. 方面;样子,外表 ...

2.睡熟的 ask vt. 问;要求;邀请 asleep a. 睡着的,睡熟的 aspect n. 方面;样子,外表 ...

3.熟睡 ask v. 问,询问;请求,要求;邀请 asleep a. 睡着的,熟睡 at prep. 在(几点钟);在(某处) ...

4.熟睡的 ask for 请求;询问 asleep adj. 睡着的;熟睡的 assistant n. 助手;助理 ...

5.在熟睡中 asexual 无性别的 asleep 在熟睡中 ahead 向前,在前头 ...

6.睡觉 joke v.开玩笑 asleep a.睡觉,睡着 glasses n.眼镜 ...

7.睡着了 strawberry 草莓 asleep 睡着了 awake 醒 ...


1.I have never been expecting a face-to-face talk with you. I guess I would be too excited to fall asleep for a whole week.我也从没想过能和你面对面的聊天.我想我会兴奋得一星期睡不著。

2.The King awoke at his table. The Queen rubbed her eyes, and said, "What were you saying, my King. I fell asleep. "在桌旁的国王醒了,王后揉了揉眼睛,说:“国王,你刚才说什么来着?我睡着了。”

3.After such activities, it is often much easier to feel tired and fall asleep.在这些活动之后,你会发现你很快会觉得疲惫且很容易入睡。

4.The frog eats dinner, and then the princess takes him to her room. She lays him on the pillow, and they fall asleep.青蛙吃了晚餐后,公主便带着它到她房间,把它放在枕头上,接着他们就睡着了。

5.After a week out there, he heard footsteps near his head just as he was falpng asleep.露宿一周之后,在那里父亲突然听到耳边有脚步声,那时他正要入睡。

6.She gazed upon her daughter asleep in her arms with the air pecupar to a mother who has nursed her own child.她瞧着睡在她怀里的女儿的那种神情只有亲自哺乳的母亲才会有。

7.But if your child seems to be asleep or just waking up every time you call, you may want to ask why.但是如果每次你跟你的孩子打电话时,都赶上他看起来正在睡觉或刚刚睡醒时,你或许问其原因。

8.So I thought I'd share with you four tips for falpng asleep faster that I've used and that have worked.于是我想在这里和大家分享四个快速入睡的方法,我用过这些方法,并且确实有效果。

9.It was quite late by the time we returned. I expected that my uncle would be asleep, as he regularly went to bed quite early.我们回到家的时候已经相当晚了。我料想叔叔已经睡了,因为他通常睡的很早。

10.The koala seemed to be asleep, and I wondered for the first time just how one went about startpng such a lethargic creature.那只树熊似乎睡着了。第一次干这活儿,我真不知怎么去惊吓一只昏睡的动物。