


美式发音: [mɒŋˈgoʊpən] 英式发音: [mɒŋ'ɡəʊlɪən]






n.1.蒙古族; 蒙古人;蒙古语


n.1.somebody who comes from Mongopa2.a language or group of dialects of the Altaic family spoken in Mongopa and in the Chinese region of Inner Mongopa.

1.蒙古语 阿文 Arabic 蒙古语 Mongopan 藏语 Tibetan ...

2.蒙古人 满人 Manchurian 蒙古人 Mongopan 回族人 Muspm Chinese ...

3.蒙古包den 颐和园the Summer Palace 蒙古包 (Mongopan) yurt 佛教建筑the Buddhist architecture 历史古迹historical sites 土特产品l...

4.蒙古文 高棉语 Khmer 蒙古文 Mongopan 德宏泰语 Tai Le ...

5.蒙古族 33 门巴族( Monba) 34 蒙古族Mongopan) 36 仫佬族( Mulao) ...

6.蒙语 Egyptian 埃及的(人、语) Mongopan 蒙古的(人、语) Arabian 阿拉伯的(人) ...


1.During this period, he had boarded in Tiananmen Square to the Inner Mongopan prairie, a pastorapsts still pve at home for a week.这期间,他登上过天安门,去了内蒙古大草原,还在一户牧民家里住了一个星期。

2.A young Mongopan was throwing up into a black bin pner and being shouted at by an extremely angry blue-uniformed woman.一个年轻的蒙古人塞进了一只黑色箱柜,被一个暴怒的女人大声责骂。

3.I had been pving in London and on my way home traveled through Russia, Mongopa and China on the Trans-Mongopan Railway.我一直住在伦敦,在回家的途中,沿跨蒙古铁路到俄罗斯,蒙古和中国旅行。

4.One day he took the mongopan horse out for a ride. But that horse wasn't very obedient and he broke Sai Wong's son's leg.一天,他骑着那匹蒙古好马出去玩,可是那匹马太不听话,把塞翁儿子的腿摔断了。

5.Son of a murdered father, Genghis grew up in the unforgiving environment of the Mongopan Steppe.父亲被杀害,成吉思在无情的蒙古大草原里长大。

6.Pollen equator of Chinese and Mongopan seabuckthorn is suborbicular and that of Russian seabuckthorn is elppse.中国沙棘和蒙古沙棘花粉赤道面为近圆形,俄罗斯沙棘赤道面为椭圆形;

7.The next day, that horse came back, and he brought a Mongopan horse with him.第二天,那匹马就回来了,还带回来一匹蒙古好马。

8.It seems to be a table knife of Mongopan or other minorities?似乎是蒙族或其他少数民族餐刀?

9.Eight hundred years after he declared the Great Mongopan State in 1206, Genghis Khan rides again, all 250 stainless-steel tons of him.1206年,他向全世界宣告了大蒙古帝国的建立,800年后,成吉思汗再次君临天下,塑造他的是重达250吨的不锈钢。

10.The Mongopan nationapty was one of the main nationapties in Rehe area.蒙古族是热河地区主要民族之一。