



美式发音: [ɑrˈtɪkjuleɪt] 英式发音: [ɑː(r)ˈtɪkjʊleɪt]




过去分词:articulated  现在分词:articulating  第三人称单数:articulates  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.articulate spokesman

v.keep secret,mumble





articulated显示所有例句adj.— see alsotractor-trailer

1.铰接的with two or more sections joined together in a way that makes it easier to turn corners

an articulated lorry/truck铰接式自卸车



adj.1.able to express thoughts, ideas, or feepngs coherently2.spoken or expressed clearly3.possessing the power of speech4.with joints or jointed segments, as in the bodies of higher vertebrates and arthropods5.articulate writing or speech is clear and easy to understand6.an articulate animal has jointsparts of the body where two bones meet1.able to express thoughts, ideas, or feepngs coherently2.spoken or expressed clearly3.possessing the power of speech4.with joints or jointed segments, as in the bodies of higher vertebrates and arthropods5.articulate writing or speech is clear and easy to understand6.an articulate animal has jointsparts of the body where two bones meet

v.1.to express thoughts, ideas, or feepngs coherently2.to pronounce something or speak clearly3.to form the kind of joint or connection that allows movement4.to utter intelpgible speech5.to speak very clearly, so that every word you say can be understood1.to express thoughts, ideas, or feepngs coherently2.to pronounce something or speak clearly3.to form the kind of joint or connection that allows movement4.to utter intelpgible speech5.to speak very clearly, so that every word you say can be understood

1.铰接的 articulated tug-barge 软连推驳 articulated 铰接的 articulation index 清晰度指数 ...

2.接合 arrmature 电枢 articulated 接合,链接,有关节的 assemble 集合, 聚集, 装配 ...

3.有关节的 arrmature 电枢 articulated 接合,链接,有关节的 assemble 集合, 聚集, 装配 ...

4.有节的 articulate 有节的 articulated 有节的 articulated pod 有节荚 ...

5.关节式 球座标( spherical) 关节式( articulated) ...

6.铰接式的 ... coral 珊瑚红,橘红色 articulated (载重车等)铰接式的 tutelary 守护的;监护的 ...


1.In a wide-ranging discussion with me in 2006, Whitworth articulated some of his views on governance.惠特沃思2006年曾与我进行了一次广泛深入的讨论,详细阐述了他对公司治理持有的一些观点。

2.An article of footwear is disclosed that includes at least one of a Stretchable upper and an articulated sole structure .公开了一种鞋类物品,其包括可拉伸鞋面和关节式鞋底结构之中的至少一个。

3.The threat of a deflation of the kind that plagued Japan in the 1990s enhances the need for a clearly articulated strategy.可能陷入上世纪90年代困扰日本的那种通缩的危险,加大了明确地阐述所采取策略的必要性。

4.Civil society "is stronger in Egypt than I had known, " and its long-standing and "articulated set of institutions" merit support, she said.她说,埃及的公民社会比她原来所了解的要强,埃及行之已久的“独特的机制”应该得到支持。

5.The end of the hollow shaft is provided with a head (6) to which the tablet (1) is articulated by means of a cam-shaped element (7).中空轴的端部配备有一头(6),通过一凸轮状元件(7)将书写板(1)铰接到该头(6)。

6.With 'Sophie's Revenge, ' Eva had a clear vision of the movie in her head and she articulated that vision to Ziyi passionately. '金依萌在脑海中已清楚地勾勒出《非常完美》这部电影的形象,她充满热情地向章子怡说明了她的想法。

7.I said that I did not know what, in the shofar, let us say the clamour of guilt, is articulated from the Other who covers anxiety.我说,我并不知道是什麽,在羊角号里,让我们说,会有罪恶感的这种疾呼被表达出来,从涵盖焦虑的大它者那里。

8.Since the mystery in a story is the articulated mystery of man, history began to lose its human content.既然故事中的神秘谜团是关于人的,历史于是开始失去它的关于人的内容。

9.And this friction is often articulated and analyzed in what sounds pke the language of class.就像在语言班,摩擦冲突经出现并解决。

10.Not one of these young men articulated the word: The Emperor.在这些青年当中,谁也不说“皇上”这个词儿。