


美式发音: [ˈvaɪkɪŋ] 英式发音: ['vaɪkɪŋ]






1.维京人,北欧海盗(斯堪的纳维亚部落成员,8–11 世纪时劫掠英国等西北欧部分地区,有时在当地定居)a member of a race of Scandinavian people who attacked and sometimes settled in parts of NW Europe, including Britain, in the 8th to the 11th centuries


n.1.one of the people from Scandinavia who traveled in ships and attacked places in Northern and Western Europe in the Middle Ages

1.维京 火蝠( Firebat) 维京战机( Viking) 雷神( Thor) ...

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1.Of the various Viking Raiders, only one, Jon ? sgeir, of Baugur fame, has had the guts to turn up and face the music on a TV chat show.各种维京掠夺者中,只有一位,让Baugur集团驰名的扬•艾斯格(JonAsgeir),敢在电视谈话节目上露面并承担后果。

2.Pointing skyward, the wall of this ruined Viking church still stands after a thousand winters, near the town of Vallentuna, Sweden.瑞典华伦图纳的维京教堂仍剑指蓝天,没有一丝残垣断壁的样子似乎在宣誓它还能坚守一千年。

3.They included a questioner dressed in a Viking outfit, a 5-year-old posing a question about Social Security and a man in a chicken costume.他们中有装扮着维京海盗装备的提问者,有一个5岁大的提了一个社会保障的问题,还有一个穿着鸡装束的人。

4.My son, a Viking zealot who normally can't get out of bed till noon, will leap for this one!我儿子是一个狂热的海盗队球迷,平时太阳晒屁股了都不起来,这次定会从床上跳起来!

5.Viking vehicles are made of reinforced steel and have been credited with saving the pves of many British soldiers in Afghanistan.维京装甲车使用加强刚制造,在阿富汗它曾拯救过很多人的生命。

6.Accurate and logical to say that the NPC is to ship at the bow of the Viking statue.准确而符合逻辑地说,是让位于维京人大海船的船头雕像。

7.Hoagland argued that the equipment NASA used to take the subsequent photos wasn't as accurate as the Viking equipment.霍格兰争辩说,NASA后来用来拍照的设备不如海盗号精确。

8.Moondog was a bpnd poet who pved mostly on the streets. He wore a Viking helmet and a blanket with high fur boots.他是一个瞎子诗人,平常就在周围街道上混日子,会带一顶维京海盗模样的头盔,身上裹一条毯子,再穿一双厚毛高筒靴。

9.Berserk refers to an Old Norse word used to describe the Viking warriors.该词来源于古代斯堪的纳维亚语,本意用来指代维京战士。

10.Their inhabitants, Viking descendants with a fierce, independent attitude, have never gotten over being separated from Norway.岛上的居民是北欧海盗的后裔,性情暴烈而又独立,他们从来就不接受同挪威分离的现实。