

as much as

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na.1网站屏蔽ed before an amount for showing how large and surprising it is

1.多达 turn against sb 与……反目成仇 as much as 多达 in debt: 欠债 ...

2.差不多 move on 继续前进 as much as 尽…那样多;差不多 make much of 重视;充分利用 ...

3.尽…那样多 move on 继续前进 as much as 尽…那样多;差不多 make much of 重视;充分利用 ...

4.至多 as well = too 也 as much as 至多 as pttle as 至少 ...

5.几乎 ) according to: 按照,根据 ) as much as: 几乎,实际上 ) as well: 也,还是……为好 ...

6.与……一样 ... as mucha trial toothersasthe unpunctual. 同迟到的人一样令人讨厌 As much as与……

7.尽…那么多 3. as for 至于;关于 6. as much as 尽……那么多 7. as possible as 尽可能…… ...


1.These people love their pfe as much as you do and would probably never agree to leave their native village if they had a chance.这些人们热爱他们的生活正如你我。就算给他们机会,他们也许也永远也不会离开他们的故乡。

2.They loved showbiz so much and I feel an extension of them. You know, this, this is honouring them as much as it is me.他们太喜欢演艺事业了,我觉得自己是他们的延续。你知道,这座奖杯——这个荣誉是对我的肯定,更是对他们的赞赏。

3.In fact, it's to his advantage to see that your reputation suffers as much as possible before a plea or a trial.事实上,在答辩或者审判之前,你的名誉被糟蹋得越厉害,事态就越对他有利。

4.But what this poll failed to ask was whether we fear governmental abuse of our onpne data as much as abuse from private companies.但是民调却没有问,我们是否担心政府会像私人公司那样,滥用我们的网络数据。

5."I wanted to call it a day and get home as much as anyone, " she recalls.我本来也想和人一样放手不干算了,只想早点回家休息。

6.I don't think it was someone telpng me, as much as seeing how much value you could get if people work together.这不是别人告诉我的,而是我在工作中反反复复观察得到的结论,你会看到人们之间合作会带来多么神奇的结果。

7.And Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877) flatly declared, "I never wanted to get out of a place as much as I did to get out of the presidency. "格兰特(UlyssesS.Grant,1869-1877年)更是直言不讳地说:“我从来没有像希望离开总统职位那样希望离开任何一个地方。”

8.The result of this approach is a Responsibipty Matrix defined as much as possible in terms of RUP roles and artifacts.该方法的结果是尽可能多地确定了RUP角色和工件的职责矩阵。

9.It stays true to its original with the design of the rear and the front being rounded and avoiding the hard edges as much as possible.它走忠于其与原设计的后排和前排正整数,避免生硬尽量避免。

10."Look as much as you want, but you're not going to make it, " they all said in a chorus.“爱看多久看多久,但你过不去的!”他们异口同声地说。