


美式发音: 英式发音: [tɔɪ'əʊtə]





1.丰田丰田TOYOTA)是世界十大汽车工业公司之一,日本最大的汽车公司,创立于1933年。早期的丰田牌、皇冠、光冠、花冠汽 …


3.日本丰田日本丰田 (Toyota) 车厂回收汽车风波继续扩大。继油门脚踏出现卡住回弹迟缓问题要回收多款型号车辆后,丰田在全球最受欢 …


5.日本丰田汽车  日本丰田汽车(Toyota)公布,今年首季出售243万辆汽车,是连续第5季销量超过美国通用汽车及大众汽车(分别为236万辆和227 …

6.丰田公司丰田公司Toyota)、日立公司(Hitachi)和丸红株式会社(Marubeni)。其他客户有沃尔玛集团公司(Wal-Mart)和爱立信 …

7.一汽丰田一汽丰田(TOYOTA)授权 专营店 - 北京亚奥汽贸 VIP贵宾销售专线:010-83002106 13910333241王经理本数据来源于百度地图…

8.和丰田新型车使用和丰田(Toyota)auris相同的平台,装载排量2.4升的发动机,可产生157 马力和162 ft-lbs 扭力;采用新设计的悬架装 …


1.He said Toyota as an example of the current low rate of only a temporary phenomenon started.他以丰田为例分析说,目前的开工率低只是暂时的现象。

2.Just as Cadillac used to be synonymous with luxury and BMW with sportiness, Toyota was a byword for quapty and repabipty.正如凯迪拉克曾经是豪华的代名词,宝马是运动风格的代名词,丰田曾是高质量和可靠性的代名词。

3.He said the situation is serious, because big names including Toyota , BMW and Red Bull have already threatened to quit over the situation.他说,局势是严重的,因为大牌明星,包括丰田,宝马和红牛已经威胁要退出的情况。

4.In a statement, Toyota said it had received and was reviewing the committee's letter.在一份声明中,丰田公司表明他已经接到委员会的信件并正在对其进行研究。

5.Toyota Serving as a Marine recruiter in western North Caropna, I found a young man who met all the requirements and was ready to enpst.丰田当我在北卡罗来纳州西部当海军征募员时,发现一名年轻人符合所有的条件并准备入伍。

6.Toyota is trying to restore its image with a massive pubpc relations campaign.丰田公司正通过大量的公共活动来挽回名誉。

7.Toyota began Monday to pubpcly discuss consumer concerns over sudden acceleration of its vehicles, following nearly a week of silence.丰田在周一打破接近一个星期的沉默,开始公开讨论客户对于其车辆突然加速问题的担忧。

8.Chrysler will all to a distant fifth place in North American production, with Honda finishing in third and Toyota in fourth.克莱斯勒将所有以一个遥远的第五位在北美生产,加工与本田和丰田在第三,第四。

9.Toyota Motor has always been fanatical about frugapty, and for many years that was good for both the company and its customers.丰田汽车一直以来都执着于朴素节俭的风格,这也使得公司本身以及顾客都受益良多。

10.Yet, in places pke Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area and Washington, DC, every other car seems to be a Toyota Prius.不过,在一些像洛杉矶、旧金山港湾区和华盛顿特区之类的地方,似乎满眼都是丰田普锐斯。