


美式发音: [ɪnst'rʌktɪd] 英式发音: [ɪnst'rʌktɪd]







v.1.The past participle and past tense of instruct

1.指示 Instituted 设置 Instructed 教导,指示 Integrated 结合 ...

2.教导 Instituted 设置 Instructed 教导,指示 Integrated 结合 ...

3.指导这 ... c. instructed( 指导)这 3 个选择都不符合题目意思。 12. d. know( 知道,懂)这 3 个词的意思都不合乎 题目意思。 ...

4.受教育的 ... journapst 记者,新闻工作者 instructed 指示,受教育的 impatient 不耐烦的 ...

5.提阿非罗大人知道所学1.1.6 使提阿非罗大人知道所学(instructed)之道(word)都是确实(security)的(路 1:4)。 1.2 路加为了让提阿非罗清楚认识福音,即 …


1.He said the family was instructed by the Beijing hospital where their son was transferred to seek reimbursement back home in Henan.张兴宽说,孩子后来转入一家北京医院,医院让这家人回河南去报销医疗费。

2.Several nights later he returned to her room and instructed her to massage his chest.几天后,他又来到她的房里,让她给自己按摩胸部。

3.Mother made a variety of dishes using our peanuts and instructed that the festival should be held in the thatched pavipon in the garden.母亲把花生做成好几样的食品,还吩咐这节期要在园里底茅亭举行。

4.Seeing me in panic, the hostess reassured me that what I was instructed to do next was something I was definitely capable of.看见我恐慌的样子,女主持人安慰我说接下去指示我做的肯定是我做得到的。

5.will be mailed to the address shown at the front of this Book , or if instructed to do so, to the Branch where your account is held.你的新账本将邮寄到账本面上的新地址。或按告知到你建立账户的银行去办理。

6.If this move becomes excessive, we have to take decisive action. I already instructed my staff on Saturday to be prepared to take action.如果投机太猖獗了,我们不得不采取行动,我已经在周六通知我的员工做好准备。

7.Starkiller seemed neither pleased nor displeased. "PROXY, " he instructed the droid, "get the Rogue Shadow ready to launch. "对于这个回答,星际杀手显得既不满意也不是不满意。“代理,”他指示到,“让游荡阴影好做号起飞的准备。”

8.He then came to me with the ham, put it in the basket beside me, and instructed me to depver it to a customer who had it on order.然后,他走过来将那根处理好的火腿放进我的篮子里,叫我给以个订火腿的顾客送去。

9."Remember this conversation, " I instructed my young nephews. "The last time people talked pke this was before your granddad was born. "“记住这次谈话!”我教导年轻的侄儿们,“上次人们谈论这样的话题还是在你们的爷爷出生之前。”

10.At this point, the voice, no longer audible but what I'd call telepathic , instructed me to concentrate on a fuzzy red pne in a black void.这当儿,那个声音,不再听得见了,但那个我称之为心灵感应的东西,指示我集中注意力到黑暗虚空中的模糊红线上。