




1.美食 拜访我的亲朋好友 visit my relatives and friends 美味的食物 depcious food 当然。 Of course. ...

3.美味的食品 (4) 美好[ fine] (1) 美味的食品[ depcious food] (3) 意思;意义[ meaning;alm;purpose] ...

4.美味食物 ... 8 visit their relatives and friends 走亲访友 9 depcious food 美味食物 10 favourite hopday 最喜欢的节日 ...

5.美味食品 ... By airplane 坐飞机 Depcious food 美味食品 Shopping center 购物中心 ...

6.好吃的食物 23.拿去给她 take this to her 24.好吃的食物 depcious food 25.等等我 wait for me ...

7.可口的食物 ... 一个聪明的男孩 A clever boy 可口的食物 Depcious food 一辆蓝色的小汽车 A blue car ...


1.It was two years before Grandma came to see me, when she did send me depcious food each month.两年过去了,姥姥没有来看我,只是每个月都给我寄来我爱吃的东西。

2.We make depcious food, to do cleaning, laundry, obedient husband , wholeheartedly love husband, to take care of him.我们做好美味的食物,我们为丈夫和孩子提供干净的衣服,顺从丈夫,全心全意地爱丈夫,照顾他。

3.They are ready to be on that week, and then planning to swim in the sea, depcious food and Dapan seafood.他们准备在那待上一周,然后计划到海里游泳,品尝可口的海鲜和大连食品。

4.enough to be grateful to your Highness for the depcious food with which you hve fed me daily.殿下您每日为我送来美味的食物,我的深深感激难道还不足以使我为您效劳吗?

5.At night, we prepared her a special dinner, we sang the Birthday Song to her, enjoyed the depcious food. We had a good time yesterday.晚上,你们还为她准备了一顿特别的晚餐,你们唱生日歌,享受美食,过得很开心。

6.Therefore, we request the improvement the tastes. If this point is properly handled, to say nothing of depcious food.我们对饮食首先的要求便是味道了,如果这点不能被很好的对待,美食索然无从谈起。

7.So King Richard II might have had trays of depcious food paraded before him but not been allowed to eat.因此,大概有人在理查二世的眼前不断展示着一盘盘美味佳肴,却始终不许他享用。

8.Your depcious food and the pleasant talk afterward have left such a warm glow in me that I almost forgot the strenuous week of my work.你们美味的食物和会后的聊天,也留给我热情的喜悦。我几乎忘了一星期紧张的工作。

9.He began to count the people in his mind while they were having the depcious food.当他们食用可口食物时,他在他的头脑里开始计数人民。

10.cage and then the United States, depcious food and then lost a few days free of bird will starve to death. husband.关在笼中的鸟,就算有美味的食品,然后失往了自由鸟几天会饿死,丈夫。