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网络释义:软件基金会(Apache Software Foundation);非洲猪瘟(African swine fever);格式



1.软件基金会(Apache Software Foundation)Derby是Apache Software Foundation (ASF)的一个的孵化器项目。它是由IBM把自己的 Cloudscape(一种纯关系 Java 数据库) …

2.非洲猪瘟(African swine fever)非洲猪瘟(AsF)和猪瘟(cSF)的症状非常相似,两者均可出现慢性型、急性型症状或亚急性症状。需进行实验室诊断以与猪瘟区分 …

3.格式高级流处理格式 (ASF) 是 Windows Media Player 支持的流媒体格式之一。Windows Media Player 6.4 中存在一个安全漏洞, …


1.Derby is an incubator project, the usual way external projects become a part of the ASF.Derby是一个孵化器(incubator)项目,这也是外部项目成为ASF一部分的一种常见的方式。

2.It is also looking more pkely that the Audi A8 will use the ASF II, the second generation of the company's Aluminum Space Frame.它也在寻找更多的可能是奥迪A8将使用的ASF二,第二代公司的铝合金空间构架。

3.Servicers should provide enhanced investor reporting for modified loans following the ASF's guidepnes.服务人员应该根据ASF的指导方针,为调整过的贷款提供增强的投资者报告。

4.ASF is a highly contagious virus infection of pigs that is usually lethal.非洲猪瘟是猪的一种高传染性病毒感染,通常导致猪的死亡。

5.ASF Advanced Streaming Format. It is a multimedia streaming format developed by Microsoft for Windows Media.高级流格式高级流格式。微软为它的媒体播放器开发的一种多媒体流格式。

6.This is a console procedures set out to document the ASF will all metadata attributes .这是一个控制台程序,列出给定ASF文件的所有元数据属性。

7.Convert ASF video to all popular formats, or convert any video to ASF format.转换所有流行的ASF视频格式,或转换任何ASF格式的视频。

8.Also support converting any popular format video back to ASF file.同时支持任何流行的视频格式转换回ASF文件。

9.In 1960's through the 1980s, ASF outbreaks were reported in several European and Caribbean countries and Brazil.它过去曾在数个欧洲和加勒比国家以及巴西爆发过。

10.Apex WMV ASF Converter is software for video conversion.埃佩克斯WMVASF的转换器是为视频转换软件。