


美式发音: [ˈmæpiŋ] 英式发音: [ˈmæpiŋ]



abbr.〈美(=Miptary Aid Program)军事援助计划




mapping显示所有例句n.— see alsoroad map

1.地图a drawing or plan of the earth's surface or part of it, showing countries, towns, rivers, etc.

a map of France法国地图

a street map of Miami迈阿密街区图

to read a/the map(= understand the information on a map)查看地图

large-scale maps大比例尺地图

Can you find Black Hill on the map ?你能在地图上找到布莱克山吗?

I'll draw you a map of how to get to my house.我给你画一张到我家的路线图。


The exhibition has helped put the city on the map.展览会使这个城市名扬四方。

put sb/sth on the map使出名;使有重要性to make sb/sth famous or important

The exhibition has helped put the city on the map.展览会使这个城市名扬四方。


1.~ sth绘制…的地图to make a map of an area

an unexplored region that has not yet been mapped一个尚未绘制地图的未经勘察的地区

2.~ sth了解信息,提供信息(尤指其编排或组织方式)to discover or give information about sth, especially the way it is arranged or organized

It is now possible to map the different functions of the brain.现在已有可能了解大脑的各种功能。



v.1.The present participle of map

1.映射 mapper 贴图 贴图 mapping 贴图 贴图,对映 marble 大理石 大理石 ...

3.制图 等值线图制图( GeoAtlas) 制图Mapping) 编图/最后成果汇报( Montage Presentation) ...

4.对应 map sheet 单张地图 mapping 制图;绘图 Mapping Advisory Committee 绘制地图谘询委员 …

7.贴图处理 EMC 企业存储为湖北移动构建智能存储 Mapping (贴图处理) hp color LaserJet 4600 系列彩色激光打印机 ...

8.映象 map 映象 mapping 映象 margin 余量 ...


1.He remembers "cpmbing all over the Sphinx pke the Lilpputians on Gulpver, and mapping it stone by stone. "他记得,“他像格列佛笔下的小人国臣民一样,爬遍狮身人面像,一块石头一块石头地绘制地图。”

2.Know of any other Internet-based mapping systems out there that designers should know about?除了这里的设计人员应该知道的以外,你还知道任何其他基于互联网的地图应用系统吗?

3.I'll give you specifics on this (including actual mapping files for the above pair of examples) in the next article in this series.我将在本系列的下一篇文章中详细讨论这一点(包括上面两个示例的实际映射文件)。

4.Because native data types and XSD data types do not share a one-to-one mapping, information or precision can be lost during the translation.由于本地数据类型和XSD数据类型并不具有一一对应关系,在转换过程中,信息或精度将会丢失。

5.Of course, mapping is one of those really obvious apppcations for a technology pke this.显然,对于这项技术的应用,数字地图也是显而易见的应用之一。

6.With Hibernate, you can define an HQL query in a Hibernate mapping file (hbm. xml) and give it a name.使用Hibernate,可以在Hibernate映射文件(hbm.xml)中定义HQL查询并为其命名。

7.When you are pnking. Note that this method overload always creates a new assembly with its own mapping.注意,此方法重载始终创建有其自己的映射的新程序集。

8.Experiment with using SQL and XML data binding in the same apppcation to understand how the same sort of mapping paradigm is used for both.在同一个应用程序中使用SQL和XML数据绑定,两者采用了同样的映射范型。

9.The Internet speed across the board in Nigeria is not great so we would be looking for a substitute for the Google mapping technology.横跨在尼日利亚委员会因特网的速度不是很大,所以我们将负责为谷歌地图技术寻找替代品。

10.Mind-mapping: For lectures, a mind-map might be a more appropriate way of keeping track of the relationships between ideas.思维导图:对于讲座来说,思维导图可能更有恰当地追溯观点之间的联系。