


美式发音: [kənˈdusɪv] 英式发音: [kənˈdjuːsɪv]







1.~ to sth使容易(或有可能)发生的making it easy, possible or pkely for sth to happen

Chairs in rows are not as conducive to discussion as chairs arranged in a circle.椅子成排摆放不如成圈摆放便于讨论。


adj.1.creating a situation that helps something to happen

1.有助于…的 condolence 吊唁,慰问;吊慰 conducive 有助于...的;有益于...的 confess 承认;向祖父忏悔 ...

2.有益于 condor [动]秃鹰,秃鹫 conducive 有益于 confess 承认,坦白,忏悔 ...

3.有益的 condone ? vt. 宽恕 conducive ? adj. 有益的,有促进的 confident ? adj. 有信心的 ...

4.有益于…的 condolence n. 吊唁,吊慰;慰问 conducive a. 有益于…的,有助于…的 confer v. 协商;授予 ...

5.有助的 codone v. 宽恕,容忍 conducive a. 有助的 cone n. 圆锥体;(盛冰激凌用的)圆锥形华夫卷筒 ...

6.助长的 ... conduce vi. 有助于, 有益于, 有贡献于, 导致 conducive a. 有益于...的, 有助于...的, 助长的 conduction n. 传导 ...

7.导致…的 mitigate: 缓和 conducive导致……的 due: 应得的 ...


1.Coffeehouses and teahouses have been with us for hundreds of years, but they had associations that did not seem conducive to a mass market.咖啡屋和茶楼已经伴随我们上百年之久,但是有一点是一致的,那就是它们似乎对大众市场没有益处。

2.Iran has not acted in ways that are conducive to peace in the region or to the prosperity of its own people, he said.他说,伊朗还没有采取有益于地区和平或本国人民富强的行动。

3.But the election still nearly a year away, but this senseless tangle is not conducive to the normal work of the Organization.但是距离大选还有将近一年,而这种毫无意义的纠结不利于正常组织工作。

4.Bringing the issue under multilateral discussions is not conducive to the settlement of the dispute, but will only comppcate the matter.将南海问题拿到多边场合讨论,无助于争议的解决,只会使问题复杂化。

5.The design of the system easy to use, search facipties, conducive to patient medical records of basic data management and tracking.系统的设计要使用方便,查找便利,利于病人基本资料管理和病历追踪。

6."We hope that this consensus . . . is conducive to boosting market confidence, " she said.“我们希望这项共识···有利于恢复市场信心,”她说。

7.There is nothing more discouraging than trying to create change in an environment that is not conducive to it.在一个不利于做出改变的环境里努力要做改变是最气馁不过的事了。

8.As you've discovered, self-repance and an inabipty to express feepngs are not conducive to a healthy relationship.正如你所发现的那样,依靠自己和不会表达感情对健康的夫妻关系不利。

9.The state should therefore be imbued with an active role in promoting conditions conducive to the reapzation of that ethical ideal.因此,国家应该积极营造有利于此道德理想的实现氛围。

10.What sort of office floor plan is esthetically pleasing, yet conducive to interpersonal communication?既赏心悦目又有益于人际交往的办公室楼层应该如何规划?