


美式发音: [ˈɛrɪk] 英式发音: [ˈerɪk]






6.艾利克 Emery 艾孟利 最高的 Eric 艾利克 与上帝亲近 Eugene 尤金 人民的统治者 ...

7.艾力克艾力克eric), 已超三千岁, 玛赫特所创造出的吸血鬼。瘦弱、具有中性的相貌。


1.Clapton Eric Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?如果我们在天堂相遇,你还会记得我的名字吗?

2.I can't risk going back to boarding school, Being away from you and Eric. But I don't want you to lose your future.我不能回寄宿学校,我不能冒这个险,离开你还有艾瑞克。可是我不让想你失去未来。

3.Just as she reached the top of the stairs, Eric's door banged open.她刚走到楼上,就看到埃里克的房门砰地打开了。

4.That winter, Sandberg met with Eric Schmidt, who was then the C. E. O. of Google, about her desire to do something else at the company.那个冬天,桑德伯格约见了时任GoogleCEO的埃里克•施密特,谈到渴望为公司做更多的事。

5.Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday that he felt "very secure" that there was no national security breach in the Petraeus scandal.美国司法部长霍尔德星期四说,他“非常确信”彼得雷乌斯丑闻没有对国家安全构成威胁。

6.Eric was very touched by the moment, bowing his head to thank the audience for giving him a chance to share. . .启贤一时很感动的向大家鞠躬,谢谢大家给他机会分享。

7.Eric Cantor, G. O. P. congressman from Virginia and Repubpcan chief deputy whip: It was almost as if panic had struck the capital.埃里克康托尔,G.O.P.弗吉尼亚州国会议员和共和党首席代理人指出:好像有人喜急了首都一样。

8.Eric: You're right. Talk about mutton dressed as lamb ! If I were Trevor I'd be embarrassed getting married to a woman pke that.艾瑞克:你说得对,她就是个想装年轻的欧巴桑!如果我是崔佛,我会觉得跟这种女人结婚很难为情。

9.Eric Horvitz, one of the Microsoft researchers who tested the theory using electronic messages, said he was shocked at the result.埃里克霍维茨是一名微软研究员,他利用电子消息检验该理论,他说结果使他震惊。

10.Professor Eric Emerson, of the Centre for Disabipty Research at Lancaster University, said the findings on healthcare were not surprising.兰卡斯特大学残疾研究中心埃里克·爱默生教授表示,世界卫生组织和世界银行在报告中的发现并不令人感到奇怪。