


美式发音: [ˈbʌsˌbɔɪ] 英式发音: ['bʌs.bɔɪ]






1.餐厅勤杂工(负责收餐具、抹桌子等)a person who works in a restaurant and whose job is to clear the dirty dishes, etc.


n.1.a boy or man who removes dirty dishes from the tables in a restaurant, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.餐馆勤杂工 handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆 busboy 餐馆勤杂工 busybody 爱管闲事的人 ...

2.餐馆工 piracy—— 盗版 busboy—— 餐馆工 bellboy—— 行李员 ...

3.餐厅侍者助手 burn n. 烧伤 busboy n. (美)餐厅侍者助手;打扫卫生的服务员 calculation n. 计算 ...

4.服务员 burn n. 烧伤 busboy n. (美)餐厅侍者助手;打扫卫生的服务员 calculation n. 计算 ...

6.餐厅杂役 lover 情人 busboy 餐厅杂役 busybody 爱管闲事的人 ...

7.打杂小弟 cashier 出纳/收银员 busboy 打杂小弟 waiter/waitress 男/女服务生 ...

8.服务生助手我在这边没有先学英文,倒先学的广东话。”一开始他做服务生助手Busboy),推车卖点心,然后慢慢做正式的服务生,之 …


1.A busboy with a kid to support isn't going to stay home and miss out on $100 because he's got strep throat.一名有孩子要抚养的餐馆工,是不会因为咽喉发炎而放弃$100的工资而待在家休息的。

2.The Pizza Hut where my busboy friends stole pies for our drunken parties is now an Indian sweets shop with a completely inappropriate roof.那里原来有家必胜客,当年我有位朋友在那里打工,偷了馅饼出来供我们酗酒狂欢。

3.Before the war, I met a schoolteacher in Baghdad who was making $2 a month and worked as a busboy in a restaurant to make ends meet.在战争发生前,我在巴格达遇到了一个老师,他当时的工资是一个月两美元,他不得不去餐馆当餐馆工来保持收支平衡。

4.He began as a busboy and died an industrial tycoon.他从打杂童工起家,到老死之时已成了工业界的泰斗。

5.l used to masturbate to a busboy who was rude to me once.我曾经对一个很无礼的餐厅小弟自慰,那是什么意思?

6.My last job before becoming a full-time journapst in 1980 was working as a busboy in a French restaurant in Capfornia.我在1980年成为全职记者之前的最后一份工作是在加州的一家法国餐馆打杂。

7.I said busboy. Not bus-you.我是说餐厅服务生不是你

8.Never blame the chef or the busboy or the hostess or the weather for anything that goes wrong. Just make it right.不要责备做错事的厨师长、杂工、女服务员或者坏天气,让一切恢复正常。

9.One Sunday night, the restaurant scheduled only one waiter and one busboy, me.有一个周日的晚上,餐馆里当班的只有一名服务员和一个杂工(就是我)。

10.Also, doing all those jobs - dishwasher, busboy and so forth - made me tough, and today I am able to empathize with my workers.而且,做这些工作(比如洗碗工,巴士男孩等等,)使我坚强,并且到现在我能够理解我的员工。