




1.在六点半 at six-thirty 在六点半 29. write sb. about sth. 写给某人关于某方面的事 30. ...


1.At six-thirty or not more than a few minutes after.六点半或者最多晚到几分钟。

2.You were supposed to be here at six thirty.你本应该六点半就到这儿。

3.We'd board the train at six-thirty A. M. and arrive there two hours later.我们早上六点半就上火车,两小时后到达。

4.I left the office at six thirty yesterday.昨天我是6点半离开办公室的。

5.I snap awake every morning promptly at six-thirty, feepng disorientated and frightened.我每天早上六点半便惊醒了,感到茫然和害怕。

6.The sun will rise up at six thirty in the tomorrow morning.明天早晨太阳将在六点三十分升起。

7.At six-thirty Wilbur heard the banging of a pail. Lurvy was standing outside in the rain, stirring up breakfast.六点半,威尔伯听到了桶子呯呯的响,勒维站在外面顶著雨搅拌著它的早饭。

8.FRANK: OK. Meet you at six thirty. Goodbye. Now, where's the restaurant?好的。6:30见。再见。现在,餐厅在哪儿呢?

9.I want you to be there at six thirty a. m. can you make it?我想你在早上六时三十分来到这里,你办得到吗?

10.Let's go together then. I'll meet you at the theatre at six-thirty.那么我们就一起去吧,我们六点半剧院见。