




1.渡河 4. 渡工[ ferryman] 5. 渡河[ cross a river] 6. 渡口[ ferry] ...

2.过河 ... 16. conduct heat 传热 17. cross a river 过河 18. sharp sense of smell 敏锐的嗅觉 ...

3.穿过一条河流 ... cross v. 穿过,横过,交叉 cross a river 穿过一条河流 cross a bridge 穿过一座桥 ...

4.度河 ... crops 苗稼 cross a river 度河 crossbow 弩 ...


1.Once upon a time, a man from the state of Chu was going to cross a river. In the boat, his sword fell into the water.有一个楚国人要坐船过一条江,他的剑从船上掉进了水里。

2.Mid-morning, they notice a woman along the side of the road struggpng to cross a river.一天上午,他们注意到有一个女人在路边挣扎着要过河。

3.Now I am going to tell you about a scorpion. This scorpion wanted to cross a river, so he asked the frog to carry him.我来给你讲一只蝎子的故事吧:有只蝎子想过河,于是请青蛙背他。

4.And so it happens that on the first day, in the dark, we have to cross a river where the bridge washed away.因此,它发生的第一天,在黑暗中,我们要跨越河流的地方去洗的桥梁。

5.One day he tried to cross a river by himself, but he sppped because the current was extremely strong.一天他试着自己过河。但是因为水流太强了他滑到了。

6.In the pursuit of dreams, sometimes in order to cross a river, we were wet wet wet trousers, shoes and socks, mood.在追求梦想的过程中,有时候为了淌过一条小河,我们湿了鞋袜,湿了裤脚,湿了心情。

7.Many of them drowned as they tried to cross a river.许多人在试图穿渡河时被淹死。

8.At one point in the journey she had to cross a river.在路上,有一处她必须要过一条河。

9.When we come up against difficulties, we should cross a river in the same boat.当我们遇到困难,我们应该同舟共济。

10.One day he tried to cross a river by himself有一天,他想自己涉水过河