


美式发音: [ˌeɪ ti ˈem] 英式发音: [ˌeɪ tiː ˈem]

abbr.(=automated-teller machine)自动柜员机(=automated teller machine)自动取款机

网络释义:自动柜员机(automatic teller machine);异步传输模式(Asynchronous Transfer Mode);自动提款机

复数:ATMs  同义词

n.cash machine,automated teller machine,money machine,cash dispenser,cashpoint



1.自动柜员机,自动取款机(全写为 automated teller machine)the abbreviation forautomated teller machine

abbr.1.(=automated teller machine)自动取款机; 自动柜员机; 自动出纳机2.(=atmosphere)大气(的); 气压(的)

abbr.1.(=automated teller machine) an electronic machine that enables customers to withdraw paper money or carry out other banking transactions on insertion of an encoded plastic card.2.(=atmosphere)

1.自动柜员机(automatic teller machine)动柜员机(ATM)管理办法(试行) 第一条 为加强自动柜员机ATM)管理,提高信用社的服务水平,根据《内控操作 规程》 …

2.自动取款机自动取款机如果您的外国银行存折上有Cirrus标志,您可以从自动取款机ATM)中提取现金。荷兰银行的部分ATM机也接受带 …

3.异步传输模式(Asynchronous Transfer Mode)异步传输模式(atm):以信元为单位,在数据链路层进行。 (15)网络拓扑设计的优劣将直接影响着网络的性能、可靠性与______…

4.自动提款机自动提款机atm)生产商ncr corporation india pvt.的人力资源主管苏曼。卢特拉(suman rudra)说,在很大程度上,人们会 …

5.异步转移模式在异步转移模式(ATM)中传送数据时,数据终端设备(DTE)与网络所提供的数据业务单元(DSU)之间的接口。应用学科: 通信科 …

6.银行自动柜员机邢台银行自动柜员机ATM)以先进的电子技术为依托,为持卡人提供方便快捷的金融服务,凭借其安全性强、准确性高、分 …


1.I'm sorry that you could not get cash by credit card here . I can book a car take you to the bank to get some cash.不好意思,酒店规定不可以用信用卡来套取现金,如果您需要,我可以安排车送您去银行(ATM机)上提取现金。

2.Whereas, according to female students, having a boyfriend that acts pke an ATM machine is not always welcome.但是,在女生看来,一个像自动取款机一样的男友并不总那么受欢迎。

3.The ATM beside the door of the bank is out of order .这家银行门口的柜员机坏了。

4.Just as taking money out of a cash machine does not make you richer, nor does extracting cash from a firm you own.就像从ATM取钱一样,并不能使你变富,同样撤出你所在公司的资金也不能使你变富。

5.A recent case concerns Jim, who smashed the ATM with iron bars and got the huge amount of money out of it.最近的一个案例与吉姆有关,他用铁棒砸坏自动取款机取出很大一笔钱。

6.For a period, it even looked as if the financial system might break down so completely that money would stop coming out of ATM machines.曾有一段时间,金融体系甚至看起来就好像会彻底崩溃,自动提款机将再也提不出钱来。

7.I told you that I did not know how to get money from the ATM machine. How can I ever get rid of these ATM things?我告诉过你我不会在自动提款机上取钱。我怎么才能摆脱这些自动提款机麻烦啊?

8.Put your card in, then enter your number, and select the right option at the ATM. Afterwards, choose how much you want.插入你的银行卡,接着输入密码,在自动取款机上选择正确选项。随后选择你要取多少。

9.Hey Mama, I know it's my cash you seek. . . You know they treat me pke an ATM, but y'all know that I'm too good for 'em.妈妈,你只想要我的钱,你知道他们把我当作自动取款机,但是我能做可远远不止这些。

10.In terms of the global financial community, ATM claim to be a 20th century one of the greatest inventions.对于全球金融界来讲,ATM算得上是20世纪最伟大的发明之一。