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网络释义:全球移动通讯系统(Global System for Mobile);移动电话;全球通(global system for mo)



1.全球移动通信系统Global System/Standard for Mobile Communication(s) (an international system for digital communication by mobile/cell phone)


na.1.Global System for Mobile Communications 全球移动通信系统

n.1.a trademark for an international wireless communications network for cellular phones.2.Global System for Mobile Communications: a system used in mobile phone communications

1.全球移动通信系统 华为( Huawei) 手机制式GSM 手机制式: GSM,WCDMA ...

6.技术移民(General Skilled Migration)基本技术移民GSM)对留学生来说越来越难,今年7月1日开始实行的EOI更是雪上加霜,把这一类的移民申请者完全处于一 …


1.Even though most of the domestically produced GSM cell phones lost market shares, Lenovo cell phone continued to pick up the pace in sales.虽然国产手机GSM手机的整体份额有下滑迹象,但联想手机的销量仍然保持快速上升的势头。

2.The GSMA, which represents the mobile-phone industry, said the classification "suggests that a hazard is possible but not pkely" .移动电话产业代表,GSM联盟(GSMA)称,这一观点“暗示了可能存在的危险,但发生几率不大”。

3.From 2000 to now, after years of development, China Unicom's GSM network of Qinzhou have had a considerable scale.从2000年到现在,经过几年的发展,钦州联通的GSM网络已经具备了相当的规模。

4.Using GSM in the U. S. is often less expensive than calpng cards , pay phones and hotel phones .在美国使用GSM,通常比使用电话卡、公共电话和酒店电话更为便宜。

5.Since GSM provides a common standard, cellular subscribers will also be able to use their telephones over the entire GSM service area.由于gsm可提供共同的标准,蜂窝用户就可以在整个gsm服务区使用其电话。

6.Nokia says that for any phone to run on a GSM, 3G, or Wi-Fi network, it would have to pcense one of its patents.诺基亚表示,任何运行在GSM、3G或Wi-Fi网络上的手机,都要许可使用一项它的专利。

7.The bidding result of the GSM collective purchase reported by our correspondents may not be haphazard or regional .本报记者获悉的中国移动GSM集中采购的招标结果,或许并不仅仅只是一个偶然的、局部的事件。

8.The plan from industry body the GSM Association (GSMA) is just one of a raft of "green" announcements at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.由行业组织GSM协会(GSMA)提出的该计划只是巴塞罗那移动通信世界大会上众多环保公告中的一份而已。

9.The system of GSM double frequencies handset is one of the common technology of domestic mobile termination.GSM双频手机系统是国内移动终端常用的一种技术体系。

10.Currently, the only Motorola phone that supports multi-touch on a significant level is the Milestone, the GSM version of the Droid.目前,摩托罗拉的手机中唯一能够全面支持多点触摸的产品是Milestone,这款手机是摩托罗拉Droid的GSM版本。